Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Balanced and Affordable Education for All - 669 Words
Most educators and parents desire an educational system where all students receive a balanced education that will afford all students the ability to compete in our ever changing society. Students who live in low-income environments and attend poor school are at the highest risk of not being properly educated. This is partly due to lack of funding for schools in economically challenged environments, and the inability for those poor schools to afford highly qualified teachers. Much controversy stems from poor schools not being able to afford highly trained teachers, from students not having access to improved curriculums to extraordinary dropout rates. In an effort to combat these issues, the Bush administration implemented an act that purported to help schools obtain necessary funding for qualified teacher and to close the racial ethnic gap, known as the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLBA). However, the NCLBA failed to deliver on its promises and left already struggling schools and c hildren in disarray attempting to reach government mandates rather than ensuring a balanced education for every student. The NCLBA was enacted into law in 2002, with the notion in mind that poor schools would gain the ability access to highly qualified teachers and programs by reaching an Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). The AYP is a standard set for each schools to reach to receive government funding for tutoring or special curriculums and for qualified teachers. The AYP uses standardizedShow MoreRelatedThe Shortage Of Healthcare Professionals1673 Words  | 7 Pagesfirst elicit reason of health care professional insufficiency, is due to the increase number of people in the United States that is in need of health care. This fluctuation is caused by two separate components which are the aging population and The Affordable Care Act. 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