Thursday, August 27, 2020
Critical Examination of Strategic Leadership
Basic Examination of Strategic Leadership Acquaintance Leadership has been utilized with allude to an example of impact that an individual has. Then again, authority alludes to a group’s imaginative thoughts and innovative accomplishments that are in reality beyond formal establishments (Glanz 2005, p.1).Advertising We will compose a custom basic composing test on Critical Examination of Strategic Leadership explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Accordingly, key administration has advanced to get basic segment in powerful turn of events and execution of association and other key organizations (Glanz 2005, p.1). Simultaneously, Glanz sees vital authority in the more extensive point of view that likewise includes different models of administration. Inside this view, it very well may be said that vital aptitudes have gotten helpful to supervisors that have been used to improve and acknowledge better execution where coordinated effort activities are joined with other more extensive parts and change of ass ociations become a definitive objective of vital authority (Glanz 2005, p.1). On in general, key pioneers are typically dedicated to improving their associations on numerous levels, and pioneers who show key initiative accept and encourage the accompanying. Facilitate all capacities and practices in their associations with the goal that everything can work in congruity towards acknowledgment of specific objective; guarantee that all people share shared objectives; can survey the capacity of the association to react to social, political, or even relational emergencies (Glanz 2005, p.2). Other striking elements of the key chiefs incorporate modifying the organization’s strategic meet recently creating exigencies, and in conclusion, being inventive of fluctuated opportunities for the future (Glanz 2005, p.2). Schools of different kinds, in the new 21st century require key initiative. This is especially fundamental given the expanding rivalry that describes any given market (p.3) . As indicated by three creators Preedy, Glatter, and Wise (2003, p.3), schools, universities, along with other instructive associations are completing their capacities and jobs in serious condition in which they have to have the best staff individuals. This call for serious enrollment so as to adjust the school’s needs and objectives given subsidizing and asset limit are appended to student’s number. Compelling authority is required so as to empower school acknowledge achievement and supported execution that much of the time is shown as far as understudies outcomes.Advertising Looking for basic composition on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More When a school can understand powerful understudy execution the likely market for the school increment and then again, when execution decrease at that point negative open observation creates over the school. Thus, the above conditions have constrain ed instructive pioneers to embrace methodologies that are successful in dealing with the limits between the school and nature. Additionally, the vision ought to be to receive expert dynamic position in making a viable associations with outside partners (Preedy, Glatter, and Wise 2003, p.3). Guided by these early on proclamations, this exploration paper targets investigating the idea of vital administration with specific premiums in investigating the attributes of vital authority, the relevant variables, both inside and outside that can influence key choices, and finally the apparatuses accessible for the key examination of key proof explicitly as to class. This exploration strategy will to a great extent include audit and investigation of pertinent written works, and for this situation, optional and where fitting, essential writing will be utilized particularly with respect to measurable information. Qualities of Strategic Leadership Preedy, Glatter, and Wise (2003) see that creatin g connection between the school and outer partners require successful ecological examining. The proposition of this announcement is that vital pioneers are the ones who fuse compelling key natural filtering viewpoints (p.3). In doing ecological examining key pioneers, receive important strides of distinguishing stakeholders’ needs and desires, along with more extensive social, financial, and political patterns that have open doors for future advancement of the school (Preedy, Glatter, and Wise 2003, p.3). Simultaneously, key pioneers join observational investigations on how their schools should fuse and use natural data and accordingly, these pioneers create compelling educational systems that display great procedures for finding out about and reacting to changes in the situations (Preedy, Glatter, and Wise 2003, p.3).Advertising We will compose a custom basic composing test on Critical Examination of Strategic Leadership explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Another part of vital school pioneers is that they ought to be successful at deciphering the more extensive condition in which they work and convey their capacities in. Powerful interpretive requires key pioneers to take note of that operational condition isn't fixed but instead it is mind boggling and continually evolving. This situation calls for vital pioneers to be increasingly dynamic in starting continuous learning by creation viable communications with the natural data and simultaneously starting individual and hierarchical abilities to decipher outer occasions by recognizing key patterns that should be reacted to (Preedy, Glatter, and Wise 2003, p.3). Different perspectives have been recognized that describe key initiative in school setting. For example, these pioneers show excellent capacities in lessening reliance of the school to its condition and they accomplish these through looking for elective wellsprings of financing. Mike Freedman and Benjamin B Tregoe writing in a vital book named ‘The Art and Discipline of Strategic Leadership’ see that most organizations neglect to understand their set targets from various reasons yet the significant ones spins around absence of fusing key components of technique (Freedman and Tregoe 2004, p.2). For example, the creators sees that most associations have magnificent supervisory groups that at same are devoted in their work and furthermore display the best vital expectations yet periodically bomb when in any event one basic part of the technique procedure is missed (Freedman and Tregoe 2004, p.2). On in general, methodology of any association bombs when perception and satisfaction of specific perspectives flop in a portion of the accompanying cases. 1) In detailing key vision dependent on realities, educated suppositions, and the most ideal imagine a scenario where thinking; 2) in executing and imparting the vision all through the association to explain and adjust the job of each deliberately fu ndamentally player and procedure; and 3) in observing and refreshing the vision to guarantee its proceeded with quality, deftness, and pertinence (Freedman and Tregoe 2004, p.2. Michael A. Hitt, Duane R. Ireland and Robert E. Hoskisson, writing in a book named ‘Strategic the executives: seriousness and globalization: ideas and cases’, see that there exist certain and explicit activities that portray powerful key authority and huge numbers of the components describing key administration by and large work cooperatively (Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson 2009, p.350).Advertising Searching for basic composition on business financial aspects? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More For example, the creators are of the view that overseeing school assets successfully requires the pioneer or chief â€Å"to create human capital and build up key heading, cultivating a powerful culture, abusing center skills, utilizing viable hierarchical control frameworks, and moral practices†(Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson 2009, p.350). Simultaneously, generally key and powerful pioneers make suitable choices when managing every one of the key authority activity circumstances as the establishment for settling on compelling choices. Along these lines, key components that describe key initiative as indicated by the creators incorporate the accompanying: deciding vital heading by the pioneer, where the hypothesis is that, key pioneers need to have satisfactory information. What's more, there exist assorted conditions that make the two chances and dangers, and it is upon this reason vital pioneers need to decide and give the fitting direct an association can outline in future or over a predefined timeframe (Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson 2009, p.350). Concerning deciding key heading, key authority needs to manage two key bearings in two sections that incorporate center philosophy and an imagined future. As to center belief system, the vital authority needs to spur the staff to meet the hierarchical objectives and destinations through urging them to concentrate on the principle procedures reserved for conveying an incentive to all the firm’s partners. Imagined future, by and large, fills in as a manual for some parts of school’s system usage process, including inspiration, authority, staff strengthening, and generally speaking school plan (Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson 2009, p.350). In real cases, a pioneer initiating a key bearing ordinarily faces numerous difficulties, while the work all in all isn't simple. It is in this manner consistently prudent for the pioneer to win the hearts and brains of school individuals while continually â€Å"tacklin g unscalable statures and cause them to get why
Saturday, August 22, 2020
WHY HAS PRISON EMERGED AS A PROMINENT FORM OF PUNISHMENT FOR MOST CRIME AND WHAT ARE ITS FUNCTIONS IN RELATION TO WIDER SOCIETY - Essay Example Over the most recent seven decades, a solid accentuation on restoration, offered path to the focal point of equity and decency. For this situation, sentences mostly reflect appropriate recompense instead of utilitarian rationale. There is likewise an accentuation on imprisonment which lessens wrongdoing in the general public. The wrongdoing control model has additionally gotten famous. Also, four significant objectives are underlined in the cutting edge jail and discipline division which incorporate reprisal, crippling, prevention, and recovery. The three objectives target securing the overall population (Smith, 2008, p. 6). Penitentiaries are proposed to serve four unmistakable capacities: discipline, discouragement, guaranteeing open wellbeing and security, and restoration of a criminal guilty party (Flynn 1998). At the point when a criminal is socially disengaged and bound in jail, the expectation is to expel this danger from society; a danger to the set up social request in a district, accordingly guaranteeing that his aberrance can not, at this point upset serene and agreeable society individuals. Prevention addresses recovery, changing an offender’s convictions, qualities, recognitions and inspirations to successfully reestablish his situation in the public eye and re-mingle him as indicated by set up cultural standards identified with ethical quality and social congruity. The principle objective of detainment is to give the guilty party sufficient time to think about his criminal encounters and discover, eventually, apology and regret for these practices (Hanser 2012). The primary capacity of jail is rectification, guaranteeing that people who don't conform to built up laws intended to maintain set up social standards are rebuffed by their criminal deeds; consequently through adjustment getting all the more socially consistent. Basically, penitentiaries fill in as submission training foundations. This has been the essential reason of using penitentiaries to address guilty parties all through the cutting edge time, recommending that jails could fill in as focuses of good guidance to guarantee that,
Friday, August 21, 2020
Contemporary Topics of Debate - Themes of Theology Essay Topics
Contemporary Topics of Debate - Themes of Theology Essay TopicsToday there are many theological essay topics available to you. And these vary depending on the denomination that you belong to.There are some of the very popular and long lasting theological essay topics that are available to you today. These may include: Biblical text, Bible teachings, Scripture teaching, scripture knowledge, inspiration of scripture, and many more. But they all have something in common;It is always wise to choose a topic that will be able to be easily understood by your classmates. While it may be very enjoyable to write about your favorite author, there is no sense in writing about your favorite author's life if they don't even understand your topic. So it is very important that you know what the topic is first before you write about it.There are many different college courses that you can enroll in. You will find many different subjects in these college courses. A lot of people take these college cou rses because they want to be able to write well. They also take these courses to earn an Associate's degree or Bachelor's degree.If you want to become a professor and teach theological essays, you should not take all of these classes. This means that you will need to choose the appropriate subjects for your syllabus and your topic. By having an appropriate subject, you will be able to have easier time taking your required classes.One of the things that you must know if you want to be successful at teaching theological essays is how to write essays. This is because you will be teaching your students about a subject that is very important. This means that you must be able to understand and be able to teach the right subject matter. This is because you will be giving them an education that will be needed to get into a reputable university.As long as you are a good writer, you will be able to teach your students without any problem. In fact, they will appreciate your efforts and they wi ll remember your name and what you have to say about that topic in their future. If you have a couple of issues that you would like to learn more about, you can always ask for a counselor or get a literature expert. They will help you find the best source for theological writing.As a religious studies teacher, you can make sure that your students will always remember your name because you will always know what they need to know. And you will also know the things that they should not do or be afraid of doing.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Junenile Justice System Should Focus on Rehabilitation Essay
Juvenile Justice System Should Focus on Rehabilitation University of Phoenix Juvenile Justice System Should Focus on Rehabilitation Rehabilitation over Punishment, why one is better or more effective than the other, in order to answer this questions one must understand what each means. Punishment is a consequence of doing something that is unacceptable, it is meant to be unpleasant, the problem with punishment is it does nothing to address the social or mental processes that maybe contributing to delinquency, nor does it address why an individual commits the unacceptable act(assosiated content, n.d.). The juvenile justice system should focus on rehabilitation because while punishment may be unpleasant we need to focus†¦show more content†¦There are several types of facilities in juvenile corrections, such as reception centers that screen juveniles in order to assign them to an appropriate facility, there are also specialized facilities that can provided specific types of care, such as drug treatment, training schools or reformatories for youths that are in need of a long-term secure setting, ranch or forestry camps also provide long-term residential care, as does boot camps, which seek to rehabilitate youth through the use of rough physical training. Choosing the proper facility can be a very difficult decision. Many believe that the most effective secure-corrections programs provided individualized services for a small number of partakers and offer creative approaches to treating the offender. Institutionalizing young offenders can do more harm than good because it exposes the juveniles to prisonlike conditions and to more experienced delinquents without the assistance of constructive treatment programs. Community treatment refers to efforts to provide care, protection, and treatment for juveniles in need. Community treatment covers efforts to keep offenders in the community and spare them the disgrace of incarceration. The main purpose is to provide a nonrestrictive or home setting, employing educational, vocational, counsel ing, and employment services. The most
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Arts And Science Program - 915 Words
The Arts Science program encouraged me to shape my knowledge by drawing on disciplines in the humanities, the performing arts, and the biological sciences. Through a diverse array of courses that emphasized self-directed learning, I wrote papers on the history of cosmetic surgery, the euthanasia debate in Canada, the Red Queen hypothesis, and the prejudice faced by Roma in Eastern Europe. The breadth of coursework I undertook during my undergraduate education moulded me into an interdisciplinary scholar and bolstered my resolve to pursue formal research anchored in anthropology, sociology, and history. For my first foray into serious independent inquiry, I produced â€Å"‘Politika je kurva’: Wartime Experiences and Reconciliation in Bosnia Herzegovina†, a paper that I presented at an undergraduate European Studies conference. For my honours thesis, I delved into ethnography to explore the burnout experienced by medical students at McMaster University. I chose verbatim theatre as the medium to present my findings, and my piece has since been selected for performance at the foremost conference on medical education in Canada. After reflecting on the success of these projects, I realized that my academic interests converge at the intersection of medicine and the humanities. As per my writing sample on medicalization, I am greatly interested in the evolution of western medicine, how it came to its current pre-eminence, and women’s participation in the creation of the medicalShow MoreRelatedbuisness1429 Words  | 6 Pagesfollows. The Associate in Arts degree (A.A) is given to those who finish programs which emphasize more on the liberal arts, humanities, fine or performing arts. Somewhat similar to an A.A is the Associate in Fine Arts (A.F.A); being that students who attain this degree usually transfer to a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Fine Arts programs at four year schools. 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There are multiple reasons that can be a causeRead MoreCourse Integration Is Another Solution1478 Words  | 6 Pagescurriculums can be laid down to weave Common Core and the fine arts together to create a beautiful product of different fine arts disciplines and Common Core standards (Adams, Pederson, and Narboni). Imagine connecting math and music, or art and history, or even dance and gym. The students’ motivation for learning will increase as in this example; a student might like art but not history. If he looks at history through the perspective of art, then he might find more enjoyment out of his history classRead MoreThe Popular Celebration Of Pi Day1208 Words  | 5 Pagesmath-centered holiday shows that schools revere STEM, a catch-all acronym for science, technology, engineering and math, but other uncelebrated subjects may not be regarded so highly. T he popular celebration of Pi Day in American schools reflects how increased emphasis on STEM education is linked to the de-emphasis of the visual arts in U.S. public school systems to the detriment of students. When students are denied art classes, they are denied a comprehensive education. This event began whenRead MorePersuasive Speech : School Officials Should Focus And Advocate For Visual And Music Art Based Programs1516 Words  | 7 Pagesand music art based programs, making them a continued part of the school curricula because such programs facilitate the learning process for all students and should never be eliminated. Also, art based programs provides a well-rounded education and levels the playing field for at risk youths that are socioeconomic disadvantaged. Reports conducted points to improvement in mathematics, science, and language that requiring complex cognitive and creative capacities that are related to fine art educationRead MoreLiberal Arts Breadth and My Education1210 Words  | 5 PagesLIBERAL ARTS BREADTH AND MY EDUCATION 3 Liberal Arts Breadth and My Education There are many benefits to getting a Liberal Arts degree in today’s economic market. It is a message to your employer that you are willing to take on new information, and learn more then what is necessary to succeed. It shows initiative and the ability to expand your horizons beyond yourself. In a Liberal Arts education there is more purpose then just learning the career field of choice. It is a program that teaches criticalRead MoreThe Effect Of Fine Arts On Standardized Tests Scores993 Words  | 4 Pageslargest issues with fine arts implementation is the narrow effects. Garcia et. al conducted research that attempted to determine the effect fine arts have on standardized test scores. The researchers found that specific students attending schools with dense fine arts programs scored higher on the state standardized test; however, this improvement does not imply that fine arts will effectively cure the education decline. When analyzing the results, one sees that the fin e arts mainly affect one group
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Balanced and Affordable Education for All - 669 Words
Most educators and parents desire an educational system where all students receive a balanced education that will afford all students the ability to compete in our ever changing society. Students who live in low-income environments and attend poor school are at the highest risk of not being properly educated. This is partly due to lack of funding for schools in economically challenged environments, and the inability for those poor schools to afford highly qualified teachers. Much controversy stems from poor schools not being able to afford highly trained teachers, from students not having access to improved curriculums to extraordinary dropout rates. In an effort to combat these issues, the Bush administration implemented an act that purported to help schools obtain necessary funding for qualified teacher and to close the racial ethnic gap, known as the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLBA). However, the NCLBA failed to deliver on its promises and left already struggling schools and c hildren in disarray attempting to reach government mandates rather than ensuring a balanced education for every student. The NCLBA was enacted into law in 2002, with the notion in mind that poor schools would gain the ability access to highly qualified teachers and programs by reaching an Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). The AYP is a standard set for each schools to reach to receive government funding for tutoring or special curriculums and for qualified teachers. The AYP uses standardizedShow MoreRelatedThe Shortage Of Healthcare Professionals1673 Words  | 7 Pagesfirst elicit reason of health care professional insufficiency, is due to the increase number of people in the United States that is in need of health care. This fluctuation is caused by two separate components which are the aging population and The Affordable Care Act. The number of aging population has introduced a greater demand for more health care professionals due to their various medical needs (Benard-Khun, 2014). It has been estimated that by 2030 that 72 million people will be 65 or older.Read MoreBusiness Opportunities With in The Field Of Medicine962 Words  | 4 Pagesmany business opportunities in nursing. These business opportunities depend on whether the individual want to grow in this field of medicine. These employment opportunities include clinical consultant, home assessment nurse, care management and education and training nurses (Grensing). Clinical consultant has many available opportunities in the field of medicine. The consulting industry involves itself in risk management, consultation in wellness and fitness, and other health facilities. In orderRead MoreCollege Tuition Is Too Expensive770 Words  | 3 Pageslike to attend one. Students study hard and try their best just so they can get an acceptance letter from their dream college. However, college tuition is not that affordable; college tuition is increasing in price every single year while the yearly salary of a father stays the same or barely increases. College tuition should be affordable to everyone regardless of his or her family status and position. Students should be able to attend a college without being in a debt consisting of thousands of dollarsRead MoreFinancial Risk Of Higher Education Essay1702 Words  | 7 PagesHigher Education In the United States, postsecondary education is not paid for by the government, therefore Americans rely on both private and federal student loans to finance college. The issue with this is the liability that comes with student loans. Borrowing money seems to be the American way, from credit cards, to house and car mortgages, to student loans, but is this method a worthwhile investment in one’s future, or is it a financial disaster? Both â€Å"The Remediation of Higher Education and theRead MoreThe Liberal Arts: Creating a Citizen for a Community Near You1497 Words  | 6 PagesSome have argued that education has veered too far away from tradition, while others argue that the whole idea of Liberal Education needs to keep evolving to meet the demands of the modern world. Those in favor of change argue for more diversity within the curriculum, such as more non-western world education and feminist thought. However, the traditional educational ideal has not completely vanis hed. At the majority of colleges in America the Liberal Arts, or General Education, is the core requirementRead MorePolitical Science: The Federal Government Policies829 Words  | 3 Pagescivil rights of African-Americans, although the grass roots organization of the Civil Rights movement was required to ensure that African-Americans rights were actually protected in practice. The U.S. Supreme Court decision of Brown v. Board of Education overturned the earlier ruling of Plessey v. Ferguson, which established the infamous separate but equal doctrine. No matter how powerful the politician, he or she must still uphold the laws of the land, and cannot override them based upon his orRead MoreAnalysis Of The 2016 Republican Primaries, Donald Trump And Dr. Ben Carson993 Words  | 4 Pagesissue for Trump is the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act. Trump stated in his presidential candidacy announcement speech that ObamaCare is a catastrophe and expressed his desire t o replace it with a better healthcare system for everyone (Ballotpedia, 2015). Trump is also a supporter of the Second Amendment Rights, Tax Reform, and Trade Reform (Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., 2015). Trump is opposed to Common Core education, free trade, and legally requiring hiring of women andRead MoreDeveloping A Health Care System797 Words  | 4 Pagesdifferent aims that were developed to improve the experience of care, health of populations, and to reduce per capita costs of healthcare (Berwick, Nolan, Whittington, 2008). In order to have better health in the US, all three of these components must be addressed and balanced in order to reach the goal of Triple Aim in optimizing our health care system. The US has developed a health care system that is built around the concept of better care focusing on events and illness that are alreadyRead MoreAddressing The Physician Shortage And Affordable Care Act1639 Words  | 7 PagesShortage of Physicians Exacerbated by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: A Health Policy Reform Brief U.S. Health Care System Health Policy (PHBL-H 501) IU Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health Executive Summary The United States health care system is currently facing a projected shortage of up to 94,700 physicians by 2025, a number which has been exacerbated by policies within the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Current policies established or proposed to address thisRead MoreObesity Essay926 Words  | 4 Pagesdays to well below freezing. The demographic makeup of the city consists of 55% white, 34% black, 7% Asian, and 5 % Hispanic. Fayetteville may not have a lot of entertainment options to offer, however you will find nice family-style homes at affordable prices. Do to inexpensive labor, materials, and business costs families can afford quality housing for their money. The city of Fayetteville also has a high percentage of high school graduates (92%) and 40% of people are said to hold a bachelor
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Evidence and Needed Research Journal of Behavioral Medicine
Question: "We are all equal before the law". To what extent is this common statement about the law reflected in practice? In answering the question, refer to one social issue and one group of people. Answer: Introduction We all are Equal before the Law This conclusion has been made not on the basis of stories heard but the incidents that have occurred that have occurred purely on discrimination of some kind and the law has acted that again depicts some kind of canonization and partiality. This may be the result of canonization or other political forces acting up on. This has been the major discussion in many public forums of national and international level and there has been much debate about it but the result has not been much fruitful and there has not been much improvement seen in the enforcement of law or rather proper enforcement of law. This cannot be blamed on one or handful of countries as such cases of law not being equal for all has been seen in many countries, somewhere in greater magnitude somewhere in a lower magnitude. There has not been much solution to it as the solution making body itself is seen to be at fault. One might be judgmental in making such remarks but that does not change the reality and the reality won t cease to exist if remarks are not made against it. There are many questions that arise in this relation and not all gave been answered as the society keeps on experiencing one after the another whether Europe Asia or Africa it stretches all over the world in some way or the other. This topic can be interpreted in many ways as the lack in equality from the side of law is not something that can be described dealt with in one heading. It is widespread and can have several sub divisions. The matter can be dealt with geographically and also according to the social divisions. There has been one person in particular who has become the victim of the impartiality of law or there has been a group that over the period constantly have been the victim and have agreed to the fact that law is not equal for everyone and the phrase we all are equal before the law does not hold true in practice. If a statement is made it is also important that the statement is also justified by citing examples of statement. Speaking in a generic tone it has been found that the impartiality on the law have been experienced on a great basis in the European nations and also in USA and Australia (Pager et al , 2009). The crime of whatever sort is committed by the citizen of a country and on being reported when the law-making and law maintaining body of that country fails to tale actions or on purpose does not arrive at any solution it is then that the above statement starts to exist. On a whole it is the racial discrimination that has chiefly been the reason for the commotion that over this topic. As racial discrimination in UK has been chosen as the issue that is to be dealt with in this essay the example would largely be related to that. UK has always experienced some or the other kind of racial discrimination throughout the UK. And in most of the cases it has been seen that the law has not done much to help the citizens about it. Recently England opted out of the European Union that cane as a shock and a sudden blow to the working machinery of EU and also to the economic set up of the entire world. After this there has been numerous cases of racial discrimination that has been matter of shame and the law has remained quiet about it whereas there could have been actions taken. The UK citizens have been haughtily claiming that the Asians must leave their country whereas many of them have the citizenship of the country. It is not acceptable to call a person a foreigner only on the basis of skin color and we do not see ,any people penalized of committing this even though there have been many agencies that have reported this case. The main law executing body has not been much into action regarding it though many NGOs have been active on this note that includes white people (Williams et al 2009). We must go through a few true incidents in order to fully arrive at the conclusion. After the EU referendum there has been around hundred a cases and still counting that has been registered as the racial abuse and racial discrimination cases. There have been cases registered where the Asians have been open shouted up in to leave the country and the matter is though registered gets somewhere lost in the process and to increase the matter there have been more and more cases registered concerning this matter. People have been reminded of their originality even though they hold the citizen of that country. It is not that comments of returning back to the country have been made only to Asians but also Europeans who have faced this in UK Occurrence of discrimination There has been many cases reported and one of it is that of Agata Brzezniakcame to the UKon ascholarshipfrom Poland when she was 17 and presently has enrolled herself in an integrated program of PhD in the subject of Chemistry. She had told that she did have doubt of things becoming a little racial after the EU referendum but she did not expect that it would so fast and she herself would be the victim of it. As she has said a few hours after the EU referendum was passed Agata met a woman or rather she was approached by a woman who asked her nationality and on being confirming that she is a Polish the woman said that she must be scared to live in this country and that she must decide on getting the visa if she thinks to stay in England (Troyna Carrington, 2011). "The vicious smile and the way she looked at me brought me to tears,"said MsBrzezniak. The above statement made by her was emotion laden and she felt a sense of being betrayed after spending around eight years of her life in this country. The remarks came as a shock to her as Agata wishes to have a bright future in England based on the fantastic academic recorded that she has maintained by her in graduation masters and now PhD. Not just these there have been many cases that have made the Polish in UK feel bad about their individuality and their sense of belonging. It has been widely accepted that the politicians do not want to take stern steps against it as they believe this will be rectified with time hardly keeping in mind that with time and other political developments this will go on becoming worse. The citizens of UK who are not originally from UK have said that though there has been a step taken to get the racial differences in check there are vibes of racial discrimination that is greatly felt in the academic and other working sectors (Vin et al 2015). Since the topic deals with the law it is also essential to have a look at the laws that have been formulated for eliminating racial discrimination in UK. Race Relations Act 1965 The Race Relations Board was created in the year 1966 in order to see that the law is being enforced properly and all the cases that are registered are well investigated and taken action. The act was introduced at a time when there occurred many cases of racial discrimination in UK. The Equality Act 2010 Though this does not necessarily concentrate on the racial discrimination but the discrimination in general the problems of racial discrimination at work places is dealt with the Board that is set up to enforce this law.These are the two main acts that deal with cases of racial discrimination in UK (Cole, 2011). Conclusion Even though the laws have been made there are yet many cases that have gone unchecked and the occurrence of these kind of cases have been so high lately that it has become a problem for even the law to keep a check yet this cannot be seen as an excuse of the law not been equal to people even though there have been laws made and enforced. The statement stands still (We all are equal before the law) but without any weight in it and this is nothing but an ironical statement or a paradox laden statement made only to give dignity to the law formed for the country. EU referendum has only taken it to another level and the matter has become more and more acute (Ware, 2015). Personal Reflection According to me, laws are really meant to be equal for everyone and everybody needs to respect the laws of a country. All persons should be held accountable for their actions under the laws irrespective of their social stature or position in the society. However, the legal prosecutions under the law takes place based on the amount of evidence produced in the courts. Without evidence the occurrence of a crime cannot be proved and the law becomes really helpless without the presence of any proper evidence which can substantiate the occurrence of a crime. Racial discrimination is a serious offence which is punishable under the current laws of the UK and in spite of all the legal regulations and guidelines which are in practice ad which aims to prevent the occurrence of racial discrimination, the incidence of racial discrimination continues unabated. There have been many instances when the perpetrators of racial discrimination have been convicted in a court of law and they have to face imprisonment and fines for their misconduct and there have been also times when offenders of racial discrimination has been let off by the law due to lack of any substantial evidence regarding their actions or misconduct. In order for the laws to take effects, the courts require evidence about the incidence of racial discrimination and if the victims are unable to provide any evidence in the courts regarding their mistreatment then there is nothing the law can do to provide them justice. I personally think that racial discrimination is a social evil and it needs to be curbed at any cost. All persons are equal irrespective of their gender, religion, ethnic backgrounds, nationality, social status and sexual orientation and every person must be treated with the same dignity and respect. Education and upbringing of an individual plays a vital role in d etermining the behaviour of a person once he/she reaches adulthood. I strongly think that parents should teach their children that all persons are created equal by god and one should never discriminate against another person based on their nationality or ethnic backgrounds. This would really play a vital role in creating a better society for tomorrows citizens where there will be equality and mutual respect among the people and this will invariably create a world without racial discrimination. Thus, it is the task of the government to educate people regarding the need to change their perceptions towards people belongs to other racial and ethnic backgrounds as this is the only way in which the issue of racial discrimination can be properly addressed. References Williams, D.R. and Mohammed, S.A., 2009. Discrimination and racial disparities in health: evidence and needed research.Journal of behavioral medicine,32(1), pp.20-47. Pager, D. and Shepherd, H., 2008. The sociology of discrimination: Racial discrimination in employment, housing, credit, and consumer markets.Annual review of sociology,34, p.181. Pager, D. and Shepherd, H., 2008. The sociology of discrimination: Racial discrimination in employment, housing, credit, and consumer markets.Annual review of sociology,34, p.181. Van Dijk, T.A., 2015.Racism and the Press(Vol. 5).Routledge. Krieger, N., Carney, D., Lancaster, K., Waterman, P. D., Kosheleva, A., Banaji, M. (2010). Combining explicit and implicit measures of racial discrimination in health research.American journal of public health,100(8), 1485-1492. Troyna, B., Carrington, B. (2011).Education, racism and reform(Vol. 123). Routledge. Cole, M. (Ed.). (2011). Education, equality and human rights: issues of gender,'race', sexuality, disability and social class. Routledge. Ware, V. (2015).Beyond the pale: White women, racism, and history. Verso Books. Seaton, E. K., Yip, T. (2009). School and neighborhood contexts, perceptions of racial discrimination, and psychological well-being among African American adolescents.Journal of Youth and Adolescence,38(2), 153-163.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Digital Cameras Essays - Digital Photography, Digital Camera, Camera
Digital Cameras Digital cameras allow computer users to take pictures and store the photographed images digitally instead of on traditional film. With some digital cameras, a user downloads the stored pictures from the digital camera to a computer using special software included with the camera. With others, the camera stores the pictures directly on a floppy disk or on a PC Card. A user then copies the pictures to a computer by inserting the floppy disk into a disk drive or a PC Card into a PC Card slot (Chambers and Norton 134). Once stored on a computer, the pictures can be edited with photo-editing software, printed, faxed, sent via electronic mail, included in another document, or posted to a Web site for everyone to see. Three basic types of digital cameras are studio cameras, field cameras, and point-and- shoot cameras (Shelly Cashman Series Microsoft Word 2000 Project 2). The most expensive and highest quality of the three, a studio camera, is a stationary camera used for professional studio work. Photojournalists frequently use field cameras because they are portable and have a variety of lenses and other attachments. As with the studio camera, a field camera can be quite expensive. Reliable and lightweight, the point-and-shoot camera provides acceptable quality photographic images for the home or small business user. A point-and-shoot camera enables these users to add pictures to personalized greeting cards, a computerized photo album, a family Thornton 2 Newsletter, certificates, awards, or a personal Web site. Because of its functionality, it is an ideal camera for mobile users such as real estate agents, insurance agents, and general contractors. The image quality produced by a digital camera is measured by the number of bits it stores in a dot and the resolution, or number of dots per inch. The higher each number, the better the quality, but the more expensive the camera. Most of todays point-and-shoot digital cameras are at least 24-bit with a resolution ranging from 640 x 480 to 1024 x 960 (Walker 57-89) Home and small business users can find an affordable camera with a resolution in this range that delivers excellent detail for less than $400. Theater Essays
Monday, March 9, 2020
Television History and the Cathode Ray Tube
Television History and the Cathode Ray Tube The development of electronic television systems was based on the development of the cathode ray tube (CRT). A cathode ray tube aka picture tube was found in all electronic television sets up until the invention of the less bulky LCD screens. Definitions A cathode is a terminal or electrode at which electrons enter a system, such as an electrolytic cell or an electron tube.A cathode ray is a stream of electrons leaving the negative electrode, or cathode, in a discharge tube (an electron tube that contains gas or vapor at low pressure), or emitted by a heated filament in certain electron tubes.A vacuum tube is an electron tube consisting of a sealed glass or metal enclosure from which the air has been withdrawn.A cathode ray tube or CRT is a specialized vacuum tube in which images are produced when an electron beam strikes a phosphorescent surface. Besides television sets, cathode ray tubes are used in computer monitors, automated teller machines, video game machines, video cameras, oscilloscopes and radar displays. The first cathode ray tube scanning device was invented by the German scientist Karl Ferdinand Braun in 1897. Braun introduced a CRT with a fluorescent screen, known as the cathode ray oscilloscope. The screen would emit a visible light when struck by a beam of electrons. In 1907, the Russian scientist Boris Rosing (who worked with Vladimir Zworykin) used a CRT in the receiver of a television system that at the camera end made use of mirror-drum scanning. Rosing transmitted crude geometrical patterns onto the television screen and was the first inventor to do so using a CRT. Modern phosphor screens using multiple beams of electrons have allowed CRTs to display millions of colors. A cathode ray tube is a vacuum tube that produces images when its phosphorescent surface is struck by electron beams. 1855 German, Heinrich Geissler invents the Geissler tube, created using his mercury pump this was the first good evacuated (of air) vacuum tube later modified by Sir William Crookes. 1859 German mathematician and physicist, Julius Plucker experiments with invisible cathode rays. Cathode rays were first identified by Julius Plucker. 1878 Englishmen, Sir William Crookes was the first person to confirm the existence of cathode rays by displaying them, with his invention of the Crookes tube, a crude prototype for all future cathode ray tubes. 1897 German, Karl Ferdinand Braun invents the CRT oscilloscope - the Braun Tube was the forerunner of todays television and radar tubes. 1929 Vladimir Kosma Zworykin invented a cathode ray tube called the kinescope - for use with a primitive television system. 1931 Allen B. Du Mont made the first commercially practical and durable CRT for television.
Friday, February 21, 2020
GDP per Capita and Its Challengers Research Proposal
GDP per Capita and Its Challengers - Research Proposal Example First of all, it should be noted that GDP was not designed to evaluate the well-being of a country. Instead, it measures particular types of economic activities within the country, which does not necessarily refer to a standard of living. For one crude example, a country with all goods and services exported will have a high GDP but low well-being of its citizens. Second, GDP takes into account only documented operations. It does include neither black market nor non-monetary operations, like bartering, showing inaccurate information for countries where any of these issues plays an important role. Moreover, some companies commit a cross-border trade within themselves in order to escape high taxation - this distorts GDP, creating additional imports/exports data. Third, GDP indicator shows little information for changes in ecology, society, and lifestyle. For instance, ecological damage is treated by GDP as a double growth: at first, it counts natural resources retrieved, and then it counts services used to replenish natural resources, but it would be far better if the disaster had never occurred in the first place. Additionally, the philosophy of GDP shows wars as contributors to the economy, but child upbringing and housework as valueless actions. It ignores volunteer and unpaid work, but instead, GDP counts work that produces no net change or that results from repairing harm (e.g. the healthcare industry, where economic activity increases along with a number of unhealthy population). Fourth, people buy often low-durability goods and make rare purchases of high-durable products, because of their long use. Sometimes it is possible that the monetary value of the items sold in the first case is higher than that in the second case, in which case a higher GDP is simply the result of greater inefficiency and waste. Fifth, since GDP does count financial purchases as investments, then if a nation does not spend, but saves and invests overseas, its GDP will be diminished in comparison to one that spends borrowed money. Therefore, accumulated savings and debt are not taken into account so long as adequate financing continues. Sixth, sometimes different calculations of GDP confuse each other. There are two different types GDP calculation for cross-border comparison: current currency exchange rate, where GDP is calculated by exchange rates prevailing on international currency markets) and purchasing power parity (PPP) exchange rate, where GDP is calculated by PPP of each currency relative to a selected standard.Â
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Scrabble Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Scrabble - Essay Example Matt Graham is a thirty two year old. He works in the comedy industry where he is a standup comedian. His mode of dressing of dressing is actually shabby. As Fatsis (2001) states, he wears flannel shirts that he does not button over old T-shirts. The jeans that he puts on are torn and do not fit him well. When he speaks, he speaks so fast that it seems his mind is running ahead of his thoughts. Matt is an individual who does not care much about his health. This is showed by the amount of pills that he takes each day. He has a five by seven card which he has divided into two columns. In one column, he has written the names of twenty pills which he takes in the morning on an empty. In the other column, he has written seventeen more that he has to take with breakfast. He does not care of the warnings indicated on the labels. Rather, he claims that they turn him around more than anything. He also has a damaged knee which pains him much but he refuses to see an orthopedist to check out th e issue. This supports the point that he does not care much about his health (Fatsis, 2011). According to Fatsis (2001), Matt is affected by insomnia. It is indicated that he does not sleep much. Especially on the night before the day when Matt shall play a best of five games against an opponent to find out the world Scrabble champion. The eating habits of Matt are quite out of order. On this particular morning, Matt does not eat much. Matt also chooses not to relax as opposed to the notion that a moment of relaxation and reflection before a very important game is needed. It seems that Matt has very peculiar ways of going about his time and actions before the finals. This peculiar ways may be as a result of the consumption of pills. It is suggested that if Matt is tested for drugs, then he would actually be banned for life. But Matt is lucky as drugs are not tested
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Political Communication Concepts
Political Communication Concepts The term political communication has proved to be continually difficult to define with any decisions since both components of the phrase are open to a variety definitions, more or less broad. Communication is and always been a central component in political processes whether it is leaders communicating with the public, candidates competing for votes, combatants struggling for international attention and sympathy, or citizens debating public issues [1] . Classic definition of political communication focus on the source and motivation, political communication flows out from the political sphere and must have a political aims. Nevertheless, such definition would not be completely suitable for many of modern sate, particularly given the role of media. Therefore modern texts focus on three on three actors, some of whom operate beyond the boundaries of any singe state, each of whom produce political communication [2] . These are: the political sphere itself (they communicate their actions to the society in order to gain legitimacy), secondly non-state actors where we would include a range of organizations with political motivations as well as corporate bodies and the voters [3] . Each of these actors communicate message into the political sphere, in hope of having an influence on public life. Finally media which communicate about politics, and influence both: the public as well as political scene. Within the free and pluralis tic societies each of these communicates independently in the same time cooperates with one another. Denton and Woodrow for example provide one definition of political communication as: Pure discussion about the allocations of public resources, official authority, and official sanctions [4] . Above definition covers verbal and written political rhetoric, but not symbolic communicates acts, that are extremely important for an understanding of the political process as a whole. The American writer Doris Graber develops a more wide-spread definition of what she terms political language, suggesting that it compromises not only rhetoric but paralinguistic signs such as: body language, and political acts such as boycotts and protests [5] . It is necessary to characterize the political communication also through the terms of intension of its senders to influence the political environment. According to Brian McNairn the intentionality of political communication should be simply defined as purposeful communication about politics [6] . The scope of such a definition includes: Forms of communication undertaken by political dissidents for the purpose of achieving specific objectives; Communication that is addressed to these actors by non-politicians ( citizens, journalists, and so on); Communication about these actors and their actions, which are contained in the various forms of media. In this case we cannot explore only verbal or written statements, but also visual means of signification (dress, haircut, make-up, outfit) that constitute a political image. The scope of political communication: The problem of political communications directs the attention towards the relationship between three main elements of it by which political communication is initiated and achieved : Political organizations (definition of it) they may seek to do this by attaining institutional, to influence the decision-making process The audience The media Non- elective organisations: Pressure groups, bussines sector, public organistains, terrorist groups Elective political officials : president, prime minister, national and local government, political parties Media (broadcast and print) Public citizens and voters Source: Key concepts in political communication. How communications is made may vary and how audible the message is can be upon the size of any group or level of support for a party, group or cause and the tactics used to get the messages across. In a pluralistic society all groups will communicate among themselves and between one another and will be both learning from and competing with one another. The greater the number of voices competing, the more intense the competition, the better communication groups must be in order to be heard. Thus, we hear about professionalization of political communication, that it has become better in some way in order to be heard by more groups and individuals. The process by which political communication is carried out has evolved, become more technically and technologically sophisticated. (6) and adopted techniques from the world of corporate advertising and marketing in order to compete in the modern information-rich society. Previously form of direct or non-mediated political communication involved public meetings in church halls, cinemas and other places, political campaigns. Such meetings are now few and mainly limited to countries where technology does not allow for the message to be directly to homes [7] . Largely, political communication has become an activity aimed at a mass audience using the mass media of television. Direct political communication has become less of a feature in recent elections. As communication technology allowed mass communication, this phenomenon increasingly changed. Mass media not only chose what to broadcast as news but also pick the way it portrays groups in society. Political communication has then moved from being a direct, personal, face to face activity to being conducted indirectly via the mass media of mass communication [8] . Changes in communication technology inevitably have a significant influence in all of these areas. The ability to predict the direction, forms, intensity of them is very limited. Consider the example of the proliferation of the internet, that is one of the most spectacular technological developments of the last decades, the internet first represented the revolution for democracy. Citizens and groups have greater access t o political information than ever before which in turn rises the ability to distribute information, views, images, and sounds around the worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Everyone with a computer can become a mass medium [9] . The three ages in political communication Blumler and Kavanaugh 1999- the first age took place before the start of television when the primary communication channels were strong and stable political institutions such as political parties. In the second age focus shifted to passing on messages through the mass media and increased the demand for communication professionals who were adept at exploiting these channels. In the third still emerging, age of media, the professionalization of political communication becomes even more pronounced. Political actors find themselves attempting to send messages through the multitude of channels of each of which has its own set of demands and formats,
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Effects of Obesity Essay -- Health and Wellness
Obesity is a well documented problem in the United States. Every year, billions of dollars are spent on this epidemic and the plethora of diseases and issues it causes. This has been shown to be a problem at the state as well as the national level. In order to better understand the impact it has, we will discuss the issue of obesity as a whole, the problems associated with this disease, the costs of those problems, as well as possible solutions to this growing problem in our country. For the purposes of this paper, it is important to give reference points with regards to certain key definitions. The generally accepted way of defining obesity is in the National Institutes of Health Weight Classification system. This system relies on the use of BMI as computed using the weight in kilograms divided by the height in meters squared. The following cutoff points are given for the defined words: underweight- BMI 30.0 kg/m2. These benchmarks will be the defined values for the given words throughout this paper. According to a brief prepared by Dr. Eric Wright for the Indiana Center for Urban Policy and the Environment in May of 2006, nearly 97 million adults in the United States are obese or overweight. That number had doubled in the previous 30 years and is predicted to continue that upward trend. This means that nearly 2 out of every 3 adults in the US are obese or overweight. The surgeon general, Dr. Richard Carmona reported in 2003 that 1 out of every 8 deaths in the US is caused by an illness that is directly correlated to obesity. Obesity is caused by a number of different factors, the main ones being: inacti... ...s, Blacks Had 51% Higher and Hispanics Had 21% Higher Obesity Rates." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC. Web. 1 Jan. 2012. Finkelstein, Eric A., Ian C. Fiebelkorn, and Guijing Wang. "Obesity - State-Level Estimates of Annual Medical Expenditures Attributable to Obesity[ast][ast]." Nature Publishing Group : Science Journals, Jobs, and Information. Web. 1 Jan. 2012. Carmona, Richard H. "The Obesity Crisis in America." Office of the Surgeon General (OSG). Web. 1 Jan. 2012. Paddock, Ph.D, Catherine. "Medical News Today News Article." Medical News Today: Health News. Medical News Today. Web. 1 Jan. 2012.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
A Game of Thrones Chapter Twenty-eight
Catelyn My lady, you ought cover your head,†Ser Rodrik told her as their horses plodded north. â€Å"You will take a chill.†â€Å"It is only water, Ser Rodrik,†Catelyn replied. Her hair hung wet and heavy, a loose strand stuck to her forehead, and she could imagine how ragged and wild she must look, but for once she did not care. The southern rain was soft and warm. Catelyn liked the feel of it on her face, gentle as a mother's kisses. It took her back to her childhood, to long grey days at Riverrun. She remembered the godswood, drooping branches heavy with moisture, and the sound of her brother's laughter as he chased her through piles of damp leaves. She remembered making mud pies with Lysa, the weight of them, the mud slick and brown between her fingers. They had served them to Littlefinger, giggling, and he'd eaten so much mud he was sick for a week. How young they all had been. Catelyn had almost forgotten. In the north, the rain fell cold and hard, and sometimes at night it turned to ice. It was as likely to kill a crop as nurture it, and it sent grown men running for the nearest shelter. That was no rain for little girls to play in. â€Å"I am soaked through,†Ser Rodrik complained. â€Å"Even my bones are wet.†The woods pressed close around them, and the steady pattering of rain on leaves was accompanied by the small sucking sounds their horses made as their hooves pulled free of the mud. â€Å"We will want a fire tonight, my lady, and a hot meal would serve us both.†â€Å"There is an inn at the crossroads up ahead,†Catelyn told him. She had slept many a night there in her youth, traveling with her father. Lord Hoster Tully had been a restless man in his prime, always riding somewhere. She still remembered the innkeep, a fat woman named Masha Heddle who chewed sourleaf night and day and seemed to have an endless supply of smiles and sweet cakes for the children. The sweet cakes had been soaked with honey, rich and heavy on the tongue, but how Catelyn had dreaded those smiles. The sourleaf had stained Masha's teeth a dark red, and made her smile a bloody horror. â€Å"An inn,†Ser Rodrik repeated wistfully. â€Å"If only . . . but we dare not risk it. If we wish to remain unknown, I think it best we seek out some small holdfast . . . †He broke off as they heard sounds up the road; splashing water, the clink of mail, a horse's whinny. â€Å"Riders,†he warned, his hand dropping to the hilt of his sword. Even on the kingsroad, it never hurt to be wary. They followed the sounds around a lazy bend of the road and saw them; a column of armed men noisily fording a swollen stream. Catelyn reined up to let them pass. The banner in the hand of the foremost rider hung sodden and limp, but the guardsmen wore indigo cloaks and on their shoulders flew the silver eagle of Seagard. â€Å"Mallisters,†Ser Rodrik whispered to her, as if she had not known. â€Å"My lady, best pull up your hood.†Catelyn made no move. Lord Jason Mallister himself rode with them, surrounded by his knights, his son Patrek by his side and their squires close behind. They were riding for King's Landing and the Hand's tourney, she knew. For the past week, the travelers had been thick as flies upon the kingsroad; knights and freeriders, singers with their harps and drums, heavy wagons laden with hops or corn or casks of honey, traders and craftsmen and whores, and all of them moving south. She studied Lord Jason boldly. The last time she had seen him he had been jesting with her uncle at her wedding feast; the Mallisters stood bannermen to the Tullys, and his gifts had been lavish. His brown hair was salted with white now, his face chiseled gaunt by time, yet the years had not touched his pride. He rode like a man who feared nothing. Catelyn envied him that; she had come to fear so much. As the riders passed, Lord Jason nodded a curt greeting, but it was only a high lord's courtesy to strangers chance met on the road. There was no recognition in those fierce eyes, and his son did not even waste a look. â€Å"He did not know you,†Ser Rodrik said after, wondering. â€Å"He saw a pair of mud-spattered travelers by the side of the road, wet and tired. It would never occur to him to suspect that one of them was the daughter of his liege lord. I think we shall be safe enough at the inn, Ser Rodrik.†It was near dark when they reached it, at the crossroads north of the great confluence of the Trident. Masha Heddle was fatter and greyer than Catelyn remembered, still chewing her sourleaf, but she gave them only the most cursory of looks, with nary a hint of her ghastly red smile. â€Å"Two rooms at the top of the stair, that's all there is,†she said, chewing all the while. â€Å"They're under the bell tower, you won't be missing meals, though there's some thinks it too noisy. Can't be helped. We're full up, or near as makes no matter. It's those rooms or the road.†It was those rooms, low, dusty garrets at the top of a cramped narrow staircase. â€Å"Leave your boots down here,†Masha told them after she'd taken their coin. â€Å"The boy will clean them. I won't have you tracking mud up my stairs. Mind the bell. Those who come late to meals don't eat.†There were no smiles, and no mention of sweet cakes. When the supper bell rang, the sound was deafening. Catelyn had changed into dry clothes. She sat by the window, watching rain run down the pane. The glass was milky and full of bubbles, and a wet dusk was falling outside. Catelyn could just make out the muddy crossing where the two great roads met. The crossroads gave her pause. If they turned west from here, it was an easy ride down to Riverrun. Her father had always given her wise counsel when she needed it most, and she yearned to talk to him, to warn him of the gathering storm. If Winterfell needed to brace for war, how much more so Riverrun, so much closer to King's Landing, with the power of Casterly Rock looming to the west like a shadow. If only her father had been stronger, she might have chanced it, but Hoster Tully had been bedridden these past two years, and Catelyn was loath to tax him now. The eastern road was wilder and more dangerous, climbing through rocky foothills and thick forests into the Mountains of the Moon, past high passes and deep chasms to the Vale of Arryn and the stony Fingers beyond. Above the Vale, the Eyrie stood high and impregnable, its towers reaching for the sky. There she would find her sister . . . and, perhaps, some of the answers Ned sought. Surely Lysa knew more than she had dared to put in her letter. She might have the very proof that Ned needed to bring the Lannisters to ruin, and if it came to war, they would need the Arryns and the eastern lords who owed them service. Yet the mountain road was perilous. Shadowcats prowled those passes, rock slides were common, and the mountain clans were lawless brigands, descending from the heights to rob and kill and melting away like snow whenever the knights rode out from the Vale in search of them. Even Jon Arryn, as great a lord as any the Eyrie had ever known, had always traveled in strength when he crossed the mountains. Catelyn's only strength was one elderly knight, armored in loyalty. No, she thought, Riverrun and the Eyrie would have to wait. Her path ran north to Winterfell, where her sons and her duty were waiting for her. As soon as they were safely past the Neck, she could declare herself to one of Ned's bannermen, and send riders racing ahead with orders to mount a watch on the kingsroad. The rain obscured the fields beyond the crossroads, but Catelyn saw the land clear enough in her memory. The marketplace was just across the way, and the village a mile farther on, half a hundred white cottages surrounding a small stone sept. There would be more now; the summer had been long and peaceful. North of here the kingsroad ran along the Green Fork of the Trident, through fertile valleys and green woodlands, past thriving towns and stout holdfasts and the castles of the river lords. Catelyn knew them all: the Blackwoods and the Brackens, ever enemies, whose quarrels her father was obliged to settle; Lady Whent, last of her line, who dwelt with her ghosts in the cavernous vaults of Harrenhal; irascible Lord Frey, who had outlived seven wives and filled his twin castles with children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, and bastards and grandbastards as well. All of them were bannermen to the Tullys, their swords sworn to the service of Riverrun. Catelyn wondered if that would be enough, if it came to war. Her father was the staunchest man who'd ever lived, and she had no doubt that he would call his banners . . . but would the banners come? The Darrys and Rygers and Mootons had sworn oaths to Riverrun as well, yet they had fought with Rhaegar Targaryen on the Trident, while Lord Frey had arrived with his levies well after the battle was over, leaving some doubt as to which army he had planned to join (theirs, he had assured the victors solemnly in the afterma th, but ever after her father had called him the Late Lord Frey). It must not come to war, Catelyn thought fervently. They must not let it. Ser Rodrik came for her just as the bell ceased its clangor. â€Å"We had best make haste if we hope to eat tonight, my lady.†â€Å"It might be safer if we were not knight and lady until we pass the Neck,†she told him. â€Å"Common travelers attract less notice. A father and daughter taken to the road on some family business, say.†â€Å"As you say, my lady,†Ser Rodrik agreed. It was only when she laughed that he realized what he'd done. â€Å"The old courtesies die hard, myâ€â€my daughter.†He tried to tug on his missing whiskers, and sighed with exasperation. Catelyn took his arm. â€Å"Come, Father,†she said. â€Å"You'll find that Masha Heddle sets a good table, I think, but try not to praise her. You truly don't want to see her smile.†The common room was long and drafty, with a row of huge wooden kegs at one end and a fireplace at the other. A serving boy ran back and forth with skewers of meat while Masha drew beer from the kegs, chewing her sourleaf all the while. The benches were crowded, townsfolk and farmers mingling freely with all manner of travelers. The crossroads made for odd companions; dyers with black and purple hands shared a bench with rivermen reeking of fish, an ironsmith thick with muscle squeezed in beside a wizened old septon, hard-bitten sellswords and soft plump merchants swapped news like boon companions. The company included more swords than Catelyn would have liked. Three by the fire wore the red stallion badge of the Brackens, and there was a large party in blue steel ringmail and capes of a silvery grey. On their shoulder was another familiar sigil, the twin towers of House Frey. She studied their faces, but they were all too young to have known her. The senior among them would have been no older than Bran when she went north. Ser Rodrik found them an empty place on the bench near the kitchen. Across the table a handsome youth was fingering a woodharp. â€Å"Seven blessings to you, goodfolk,†he said as they sat. An empty wine cup stood on the table before him. â€Å"And to you, singer,†Catelyn returned. Ser Rodrik called for bread and meat and beer in a tone that meant now. The singer, a youth of some eighteen years, eyed them boldly and asked where they were going, and from whence they had come, and what news they had, letting the questions fly as quick as arrows and never pausing for an answer. â€Å"We left King's Landing a fortnight ago,†Catelyn replied, answering the safest of his questions. â€Å"That's where I'm bound,†the youth said. As she had suspected, he was more interested in telling his own story than in hearing theirs. Singers loved nothing half so well as the sound of their own voices. â€Å"The Hand's tourney means rich lords with fat purses. The last time I came away with more silver than I could carry . . . or would have, if I hadn't lost it all betting on the Kingslayer to win the day.†â€Å"The gods frown on the gambler,†Ser Rodrik said sternly. He was of the north, and shared the Stark views on tournaments. â€Å"They frowned on me, for certain,†the singer said. â€Å"Your cruel gods and the Knight of Flowers altogether did me in.†â€Å"No doubt that was a lesson for you,†Ser Rodrik said. â€Å"It was. This time my coin will champion Ser Loras.†Ser Rodrik tried to tug at whiskers that were not there, but before he could frame a rebuke the serving boy came scurrying up. He laid trenchers of bread before them and filled them with chunks of browned meat off a skewer, dripping with hot juice. Another skewer held tiny onions, fire peppers, and fat mushrooms. Ser Rodrik set to lustily as the lad ran back to fetch them beer. â€Å"My name is Marillion,†the singer said, plucking a string on his woodharp. â€Å"Doubtless you've heard me play somewhere?†His manner made Catelyn smile. Few wandering singers ever ventured as far north as Winterfell, but she knew his like from her girlhood in Riverrun. â€Å"I fear not,†she told him. He drew a plaintive chord from the woodharp. â€Å"That is your loss,†he said. â€Å"Who was the finest singer you've ever heard?†â€Å"Alia of Braavos,†Ser Rodrik answered at once. â€Å"Oh, I'm much better than that old stick,†Marillion said. â€Å"If you have the silver for a song, I'll gladly show you.†â€Å"I might have a copper or two, but I'd sooner toss it down a well than pay for your howling,†Ser Rodrik groused. His opinion of singers was well known; music was a lovely thing for girls, but he could not comprehend why any healthy boy would fill his hand with a harp when he might have had a sword. â€Å"Your grandfather has a sour nature,†Marillion said to Catelyn. â€Å"I meant to do you honor. An homage to your beauty. In truth, I was made to sing for kings and high lords.†â€Å"Oh, I can see that,†Catelyn said. â€Å"Lord Tully is fond of song, I hear. No doubt you've been to Riverrun.†â€Å"A hundred times,†the singer said airily. â€Å"They keep a chamber for me, and the young lord is like a brother.†Catelyn smiled, wondering what Edmure would think of that. Another singer had once bedded a girl her brother fancied; he had hated the breed ever since. â€Å"And Winterfell?†she asked him. â€Å"Have you traveled north?†â€Å"Why would I?' Marillion asked. â€Å"It's all blizzards and bearskins up there, and the Starks know no music but the howling of wolves.†Distantly, she was aware of the door banging open at the far end of the room. â€Å"Innkeep,†a servant's voice called out behind her, â€Å"we have horses that want stabling, and my lord of Lannister requires a room and a hot bath.†â€Å"Oh, gods,†Ser Rodrik said before Catelyn reached out to silence him, her fingers tightening hard around his forearm. Masha Heddle was bowing and smiling her hideous red smile. â€Å"I'm sorry, m'lord, truly, we're full up, every room.†There were four of them, Catelyn saw. An old man in the black of the Night's Watch, two servants . . . and him, standing there small and bold as life. â€Å"My men will steep in your stable, and as for myself, well, I do not require a large room, as you can plainly see.†He flashed a mocking grin. â€Å"So long as the fire's warm and the straw reasonably free of fleas, I am a happy man.†Masha Heddle was beside herself. â€Å"M'lord, there's nothing, it's the tourney, there's no help for it, oh . . . â€Å" Tyrion Lannister pulled a coin from his purse and flicked it up over his head, caught it, tossed it again. Even across the room, where Catelyn sat, the wink of gold was unmistakable. A freerider in a faded blue cloak lurched to his feet. â€Å"You're welcome to my room, m'lord.†â€Å"Now there's a clever man,†Lannister said as he sent the coin spinning across the room. The freerider snatched it from the air. â€Å"And a nimble one to boot.†The dwarf turned back to Masha Heddle. â€Å"You will be able to manage food, I trust?†â€Å"Anything you like, m'lord, anything at all,†the innkeep promised. And may he choke on it, Catelyn thought, but it was Bran she saw choking, drowning on his own blood. Lannister glanced at the nearest tables. â€Å"My men will have whatever you're serving these people. Double portions, we've had a long hard ride. I'll take a roast fowlâ€â€chicken, duck, pigeon, it makes no matter. And send up a flagon of your best wine. Yoren, will you sup with me?†â€Å"Aye, m'lord, I will,†the black brother replied. The dwarf had not so much as glanced toward the far end of the room, and Catelyn was thinking how grateful she was for the crowded benches between them when suddenly Marillion bounded to his feet. â€Å"My lord of Lannister!†he called out. â€Å"I would be pleased to entertain you while you eat. Let me sing you the lay of your father's great victory at King's Landing!†â€Å"Nothing would be more likely to ruin my supper,†the dwarf said dryly. His mismatched eyes considered the singer briefly, started to move away . . . and found Catelyn. He looked at her for a moment, puzzled. She turned her face away, but too late. The dwarf was smiling. â€Å"Lady Stark, what an unexpected pleasure,†he said. â€Å"I was sorry to miss you at Winterfell.†Marillion gaped at her, confusion giving way to chagrin as Catelyn rose slowly to her feet. She heard Ser Rodrik curse. If only the man had lingered at the Wall, she thought, if only . . . â€Å"Lady . . . Stark?†Masha Heddle said thickly. â€Å"I was still Catelyn Tully the last time I bedded here,†she told the innkeep. She could hear the muttering, feel the eyes upon her. Catelyn glanced around the room, at the faces of the knights and sworn swords, and took a deep breath to slow the frantic beating of her heart. Did she dare take the risk? There was no time to think it through, only the moment and the sound of her own voice ringing in her ears. â€Å"You in the corner,†she said to an older man she had not noticed until now. â€Å"Is that the black bat of Harrenhal I see embroidered on your surcoat, ser?†The man got to his feet. â€Å"It is, my lady.†â€Å"And is Lady Whent a true and honest friend to my father, Lord Hoster Tully of Riverrun?†â€Å"She is,†the man replied stoutly. Ser Rodrik rose quietly and loosened his sword in its scabbard. The dwarf was blinking at them, blank-faced, with puzzlement in his mismatched eyes. â€Å"The red stallion was ever a welcome sight in Riverrun,†she said to the trio by the fire. â€Å"My father counts Jonos Bracken among his oldest and most loyal bannermen.†The three men-at-arms exchanged uncertain looks. â€Å"Our lord is honored by his trust,†one of them said hesitantly. â€Å"I envy your father all these fine friends,†Lannister quipped, â€Å"but I do not quite see the purpose of this, Lady Stark.†She ignored him, turning to the large party in blue and grey. They were the heart of the matter; there were more than twenty of them. â€Å"I know your sigil as well: the twin towers of Frey. How fares your good lord, sers?†Their captain rose. â€Å"Lord Walder is well, my lady. He plans to take a new wife on his ninetieth name day, and has asked your lord father to honor the wedding with his presence.†Tyrion Lannister sniggered. That was when Catelyn knew he was hers. â€Å"This man came a guest into my house, and there conspired to murder my son, a boy of seven,†she proclaimed to the room at large, pointing. Ser Rodrik moved to her side, his sword in hand. â€Å"In the name of King Robert and the good lords you serve, I call upon you to seize him and help me return him to Winterfell to await the king's justice.†She did not know what was more satisfying: the sound of a dozen swords drawn as one or the look on Tyrion Lannister's face.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Spiritual Awakening By Flannery O Connor - 1479 Words
Spiritual Awakening in Flannery O’Connor: â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†In the story â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†by Flannery O’Connor, spirituality and grace is the underlying theme as much of her works reveals. Without this premise most of her work would be impossible to interpret and understand. With her Christian background at the forefront, the reader can interpret and synthesis her story out rightly. In life’s spiritual journey it often takes a personal crisis to awaken the spiritual senses. On the mission to eternal spiritual truths, the crises encountered, despite their threatening outward concealments, take on a lesser significance than the spiritual truths that these crises often unearth. These interpretations truly describe the journey that the grandmother takes in â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find.†and the faith embodied by the characters and their experiences. In this story, the grandmother s journey from controlling self-absorption to grace denotes a Christian s journey towards redemption. As we begin to l ook at the grandmother, it is important to note that she has no name. The story opens by, â€Å"The grandmother didn’t want to go to Florida†(276). She is one of three main characters made mention of in this story who are not given a name, followed by the children’s mother and the Misfit. In the opening four paragraphs the grandmother is been referred to three times, but always with her title rather than her name. Since the grandmother has no name and only aShow MoreRelatedEssay on A Good Man is Hard to Find: The Cross of Two Spiritual Paths2192 Words  | 9 PagesThe Cross of Two Spiritual Paths: The Characterization of the Grandmother and the Misfit and How Their Rendezvous Connects Them Both to a Religious Awakening of Faith, Grace, and Salvation. Obeying Pontius Pilates orders, the Roman soldiers nailed Jesus onto a cross but not before ridiculing and physically beating him. At nine o clock in the morning, the men proceeded to crucify him along with two robbers. One of the robbers joined the soldiers in lampooning Jesus while the other one asked for
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