Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Best Admissions Essay
0-4 Central Square Redhawks playing the 4-0 Christian Brothers Academy (CBA) on their homecoming. As a captain, you have to always be positive with your team and keep them going. You have to be the one to pick your brothers up when they need it, no matter how tragic something is. Football is a very physical sport as everyone knows, but what most people do not know is that it is actually just as much of a mental game. If a whole team comes together and believes they can do something, the odds are in their favor of succeeding. I knew that CBA was the best team around and had the most talent in the Central New York Area. Unfortunately, not everyone believed that we could succeed. By mid second quarter, we were down a whopping 42 points. We were sitting as a team in our auxiliary gym, feeling very disappointed. 0-5 is not the record we aimed for after working so hard in the weight room and on the practice field all summer. We had to make some important changes. Coach explained how we have a second chance. If we win our last two games (league games) we would go to sectionals. Going out with my parents and seeing all of my senior brothers were pretty emotional; though those emotions went away quickly though, as we knew what we had to do that night. To make sectionals, we had to win out, meaning not lose another game. Right before taking the field, we all came together in the locker room, and from that moment on everyone knew that we were going to make it happen. We all came together and each had the game of our lives. Film the next morning was exceptional, but we still got criticized for our mistakes as usual; to improve and get ready for next week. I was never so ready for a game. There is not a better game than playing our archrival CNS, it was a must-win to get into sectionals. The feeling was unbelievable; as our whole team knew we would go out and win that game. Pumping up my team with a speech that could make a grown man cry was the best way I knew to get us ready. When we first took the field in the second half, the frost on the before damp field felt like the frozen tundra. The breeze made it feel like winter already, with that Central New York arctic air creeping in. It felt like true football weather, as the second half was approaching. The start of the season wasn’t ideal, but leading a determined team to sectionals after starting 0-5 is the greatest feeling. We have made the best of what we could the last two games, as our hard work had paid off in a great way.
Effects of Social Media on testing ability
As a society we are constantly connected to the world around us. The accurate definition Is explained best by Boyd and Allyson. 2007 â€Å"SONS or Social Networking System Is a web-based service that allows individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system. This system or software is made up of all social networking sites some of which are Faceable, Mainstream, Twitter, Tumbler, Snatch, and the list goes on. It Is clear that we live In a world where we have access to any piece of information at any given time during the day. With this boom of technology It Is becoming harder and harder for us to disconnect from the world around us. There is very little chance to decompress have access by not only our computers, but also our phones now have APS that allows us to connect to social media at any giv en time of the day or night.The question is does this constant access of information and constant staying on social media affect our performance as students? Prospectus The Higher Education Research Institute in 2007 reported that ninety four percent of first year college students use social networking websites. In 2005 research by Macrobiotics and kepi revealed, â€Å"Eighty five percent of students at a large research university had accounts on Faceable, the most popular social networking site. †This leads us to the question does this way of revolving around social media impact our daily lives and the way we function?The National Sleep Foundation conducted a survey to reveal if there was a correlation between long hours of social media use and if it affected sleep habits along with performance levels. To be able to function properly one's sleep is Just as viable as the basic needs such as food and water. Before the big boom of technology humans lived much simpler lives. Fo r example, before the invention of computers, cellophanes, and even motor vehicles people had a more organic and natural way of life. Even the food they put into their bodies was untarnished by chemicals.Technology is intended to make one's life better; however like many things that are used in excess it becomes unhealthy. When these forms of social media affect our sleep cycle we maybe dealing with an addiction that must be managed. Lead researcher Diana Tamari of a recent Harvard study told the Los Angles Times, â€Å"l think the study helps to explain why people utilize social media websites so often. I think it helps explain why Twitter exists and why Faceable is so popular, because people enjoy sharing information about each other (Nature,2012). Diana Tamari was involved in a study conducted by Harvard University, which sought the answers to why social media was so addictive. The answer to their question turned out to be very a simple one. People are addicted to talking about their problems. They found in researching â€Å"That the act of disclosing information about oneself activates the same part of the brain that is associated with the sensation of pleasure, the same pleasure that we get from eating food or getting money (Nature, 2012). I say all of this to lead to the main point of our own research; social media is addictive. When social media becomes a problem and affects our basic needs such as sleeping patterns; the problem flows over into our daily lives. To simply state it our performance levels will decrease. In a study done by Christina J. Calamari, PhD, Thornton B. A. Mason, MD, PhD, MACE, Sarah J. Radcliff, PhD. , â€Å"Teenagers getting 8 to 10 hours of sleep on school nights tended to have 1. – to 2-fold lower multitasking indices compared with those getting less sleep.Thirty-three percent of the teenagers reported falling asleep during school. †Research is proving that social media is unhealthy. This problem did not escala te quickly overnight, but has been slowly evolving monster that has grown into a problem that must be dealt with. Kirsches and Sharkskin (2010, p. 1238) claim that â€Å"Students tend to participate in such website activities while doing their homework so that it may have negative effect on their academic achievements by interrupting them from the learning process.Therefore, between SONS usage and student academic performance shown at schools and universities. Many doctors, websites, self-help books, etc. Tell us that social media is a huge leader in sleep loss, however in Sleep Care's article on social media and sleep they write that they believe social media can cause individuals to get more, effective sleep. â€Å"Faceable has over 1 billion users worldwide while Twitter had over 500 million last year and is quickly growing every day'(Sleepwear, 2014).This goes without saying that a big chunk of the world is connected to one social media site or another. In order to be engaged in a social media site, one must â€Å"follow' or â€Å"like†another. They continue with, â€Å"Social media enables an individual to feel supported from individuals closely tied to their lives and from friends and family afar†(Sleepwear,2014). By connecting with people who share similar interests and opinions a person who actively utilizes social media finds oneself in an overall better state of mind.This relates directly to better sleep because having a peaceful mind when lying down to go to bed is essential in a good night's sleep. In 2010 media headlines read: minor Friends Can Make You Fat. Reading these headlines, researchers at US San Diego and Harvard studied the correlation between social networks, sleep patterns and drug usage, after much research and hours of examination they discovered, â€Å"The use of social networks by adolescents influences sleep patterns, sleep deprivation, and drug use†(Beers 2010). Why is the sleep cycle important?What occ urs during the sleep cycle that is so valuable to the human body? â€Å"Stage 1 is the beginning of the sleep cycle, and is a relatively light stage of sleep in which the brain produces high amplitude theta waves, which are very slow brain waves. Stage 2 is the second stage of sleep and lasts for approximately 20 minutes. The brain begins to produce bursts of rapid, rhythmic brain wave activity known as sleep spindles. This stage was previously divided into stages three and four. Deep, slow brain waves known as delta waves.Most dreaming occurs during the fourth stage of sleep, known as rapid eye movement (ERM) sleep†(Cherry, 2011) These stages of sleep are very valuable for the wellbeing of humans. These processes allow us to recuperate from the day and heal. The body can physically heal itself by resting. The same concept applies to the mind. Once the technology is finally set aside most young adults only receive approximately five hours of sleep per night. Sleep deprivatio n is the reason why in this day and age there are more mishaps and â€Å"slip-ups†than ever before.With the lack of sleep one's comprehension skills are severely lacking. When it is time to sleep individuals around the world grab their phones. Peg Fitzpatrick surveyed 1,000 online individuals thus finding, â€Å"Our Faceable and Twitter activities continue even after we've hit the hay, with forty-eight percent of respondents checking in on activity when they wake p in the middle of the night or as soon as they wake up in the morning (Fitzpatrick 2011). In her online blob, Peg Fitzpatrick asked many friends about how social media affects their sleeps habits.Sadly, many of her friends responded with low affects because they have -in few words?grown immune to social media. They check their social media sites every night in the same amount of time so their body is used to getting that same amount of sleep. Social media has affected these friend's sleep habits. They have been a part of the world of social media so long that their body has accepted it as a part of the daily routine. With easy access to sites responsibility to bedroom may result in sleep loss, delays in initiating sleep, daytime sleepiness and more,†says researcher Teresa Roar.Those who said they usually connected to friends online before getting into bed reported sleeping an average of â€Å"8 hours and 10 minutes a night compared with 9 hours and 2 minutes among those who never connected†(Thomson & Reuters 2014). Studies also show that sleep loss can lead to a variety of other problems such as: obesity, depression, high blood pressure, difficulty regulating emotions and lower grades. Kids who frequently viewed TV before bed were four times more likely to report waking up several times during the night than non-viewers, and frequent social networks were three times more likely to wake up a lot.Researchers reported in Sleep Medicine, †kids who regularly played video gam es or listened to music at bedtime had significantly more difficulty falling asleep†(Thomson & Reuters 2014). Another factor that also may play into the problem is when a device with access to social media is near the bedtime pillow, people tend to wake up throughout the night. Some tend to immediately return to leap but others may stay away for an hour or more in the middle of the night on social media before they return to sleep. This growing problem may seem insignificant, but over time this continual routine is unhealthy for the body.The life of a student, no matter what age, takes a toll on the body. Deadlines to meet, Jobs to do, activities to plan, activities to attend, homework to complete, grades to maintain, etc. The life of a student is often either all about freedom or all about grades. This is because as students we are learning what actions to take in order to have a balanced life. Sleep is one area that is often neglected by young adults because there is more o n the plate than ever before. The society of today is fast paced and demanding. In order to stay in control one must lose a few hours of sleep to stay ahead of the game.What is the accurate definition of sleep and rest? It is referred to as, â€Å"The period in which the basic metabolic rate decreases, soft tissue and muscles are relaxed and revalidated, and the brain is able to process things that have been learned during the day (Clifford, 2007). Harvard Women's Health Watch states, â€Å"There are six reasons for eating enough sleep, namely for improved learning and memory, maintenance of metabolism and weight, increased safety, enhanced mood, cardiovascular health and boosting up the immune system†(Fanned, 2013). With any choice comes an appropriate consequence.Depending on the choice the consequences could be positive or negative. When an individual decides to push off sleep for whatever reason negative consequences follow?sickness, a drop in school performance, a nega tive or poor attitude, and an exhausted body. In a 2009 study Tracker noticed that students experiencing sleep deprivation try to avoid more difficult tasks. Also, they often are not aware that the difficulties they are experiencing academically can be directly related to their poor sleep habits. This can often lead to frustration and depression due to the low-test scores they are receiving.This would explain the commonly heard comment, â€Å"l can't understand why I did so badly, I spent all the previous day studying†(Engle-Friedman, 2003; Filcher, 1997). In 2013 an experiment was put into action to identify the factors affecting quality of sleep, and assess the impact of low quality sleep on the daily activities of students. The Results of social Edie follow: â€Å"Non-users of social networking, such as Faceable, MANS, and Twitter, 0. 5-2 hours a day had the best sleep quality among the groups, but the result again cannot be taken into consideration due to the non-signif icant p value (p= 0. 42) ( Fanned, 2013). †Even though social media is relatively new, it has found itself into the daily lives of many young students. With most media distractions are not uncommon. People see social media as way to relax, but are blinded by the negative effects that it has on their health and even on their grades. A large-scale study by the Kaiser Family Foundation (Beers,2012) found that, â€Å"teens spent fifty three hours per week engaged with some form of electronic media. †That's more than seven hours per day. Most of the time spent was during the night when the volunteer is in bed.Research also shows that lack of sleep has been linked with mood swings during the day. Social media has a negative impact in that it influences friends in a network. It has also brought about a sleep disorders such as sleep testing. This is a recent development. The brain is hardwired to do what it is become adapted to. In this age brains are coming more and more ada pted to staying on computers and cellophanes all day long. This practice has drifted over into our sleeping habits. This is not only a distraction to the one who is doing it but also to the one who receives the text because the alert wakes them up in the middle of the night.The brain cannot function at maximum capacity when it is weary. This causes one who loses sleep to perform poorly on test and during their daily activities. In the research done by Dry. Rubin Had, social media effects on sleep are analyzed in the life of young students. Sleep is a vital necessity such as eating a proper diet, drinking plenty of eater, and exercising daily. Dry. Had also shows that poor quality sleep negatively affects a person's physical, psychological and emotional well being and leads to poor job performance.She goes on to further explain how sleep is like a cave you have to enter, this meaning that each human body has to prepare itself for the sleep cycle. A person must develop a routine to he lp their body to shut down and begin to recuperate. By adding light from computers or cellular devices the body is not able to properly shut down for the night. The light from laptops or cellular devices causes the brain to be confused. When the brain senses darkness it connects this with sleep so it makes the hormone melatonin. This hormone makes us sleepy.When a student is on a computer the brain is tricked by the light, believing that it is earlier than it usually is. Because of this it takes a student longer to merge into the ERM cycle. â€Å"The college student needs about eight hours of sleep. When a college student puts down their cellular device they can therefore get more sleep. †(Pipsqueaks, 2013). Method To conduct this study, participants will be recruited on the Blue Mountain College campus. Participants will be comprised of eighteen and older, male and female, rotational and nontraditional college students.We will recruit the participants by word of mouth, sign s posted around campus and the incentive of coffee and doughnuts. The participants will be required to sign a consent form to the study, answer demographic questions, take the short survey and not talk about the survey to friends. Upon request noted on the demographic form, participants can be emailed the surveys results, which will be the debrief section of the study. This study is designed to figure out if prolonged hours of social media use at nighttime will affect test scores the next morning.Total hours spent on social media will be test complied with demographic questions and five questions from the fifth grade level language arts section of the Mississippi Curriculum Test (MAC). Testing will take place in the student lounge between the hours of on varies days, to which we will take participants at any time during that block of time. Participants can score between O and 100 on the MAC section and that score will then be compared to the total amount of time they stated they spe nt on social media in the demographic section.We believe higher test scores will show a lower amount of nightly social Edie use and lower test scores will show a higher usage of social media. Results The survey we conducted involved sixty-two volunteers. Group A participants spent less than one hour on social media the night before and group B spent anywhere from an hour to over six hours. The purpose for our testing was to create a correlation between low comprehension skills and late hours spent on social media. Our hypothesis stated that students who spent more time on social media would make a lower grade than those who did not.Figure 1. 1 is a scatter plot to show the range of test scores from our 62 participants. Figure 1. 1 Figure 1. 2 The break down of hours spent on social media per individual is seen in figure 1. 2. Majority of hours that were spent on social media falls between less than an hour and two hours. For this reason we created two groups and compared their test scores to each other. The total hours grouped can be viewed in figure 1. 3. Out of the 62 participants 47% spent less than an hour on social media and 53% spent an hour or more on social media. Figure 1. The correlation of our survey shows our hypothesis to be false. The two-tailed P value equals 0. 1683, which is 16%. By conventional criteria, this difference is insider to be not statistically significant because it is not less than . 05 and thus not supporting our claim. The mean of Group One less than 1 hour minus Group Two greater than 1 hour equals 9. 67, 95% confidence interval of this difference: From -4. 20 to 23. 53. Participants who spent less time on social media approximately had the same average as those who spent more than two hours on social media.Figure 1. 4 below displays the statistical data from the study. Mean. 24 57. 58 SODS. 09 28. 97 SEEM 4. 66 5. 04 N 29 33 Figure 1. 4 Discussion The Age of Information is here and it is here to stay. As a result, our social m edia use is steadily on the rise. The purpose of the study was to see if prolonged usage of social media at night affects our comprehension skills the proceeding morning. This research is important because if people are aware of the effects that social media could have, they might reduce the amount of time they spend on different networks.Our hypothesis was, if a student spends two or more hours on social media before entering their sleep cycle it would negatively affect their test scores the following day. After conducting the experiment, our team found no correlation between hours spent n social media the night before and low comprehension skills. We found many factors in need of improvement throughout our experiment. If time allowed a pilot study would have been ideal to allow for us to discover things that we might fix before conducting the study.Also, we could have fine-tuned our data collection method and made sure we were selecting the proper statistical analyses. One of our initial plans was to incorporate the experimenters' GAP in order to determine if the student had a learning disability. However, when making out the test samples, we chose not to add a blank for the test takers to insert their GAP. Additional reading comprehension questions would have been helpful for us to determine if the student had any reading or learning disabilities. Also, incorporating a variety of questions could have better helped our results.The demographic portion of our test became a distraction for the test takers. The amount of demographic questions that was asked seemed to bombard the participants of the study. Fewer questions could possibly have been more helpful in this instance. In our attempt to mask our study we ended up causing our participants to rush through the numerous demographic questions. Another factor that hurt the results of our study was the number of participants who refrained from social media. Our data was skewed due to a low number of participants who spent less than one hour on a social media website.The location we chose to conduct the experiment could have been moved to an area better fitted for testing. Instead, we chose a central location in one of the buildings on campus. Many people came in and out of our testing room. This offered many distractions for our participants. The constant flow of traffic allowed the volunteers to be distracted. Having a quieter environment could have helped our test takers focus more. In our tests. The group's definition of social media was clearly explained. We spread the word about our experiment in a timely manner so that the majority of students on campus were made aware of our experiment.Also, we provided multiple days for students to come in so that testing did not interfere with their class schedules. We offered donuts and coffee, which were effective incentives for the students. Our experiment could be useful for other groups studying sleep by helping them better calculate the corr elation between social media use and sleep habits. For future studies we will need to develop a more effective way to study the effects of prolonged social media use on students so that we will have more accurate results.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Letter to Senator About Smoking Ban
Dale Schultz Senator 17th Senate District Room 122 South State Capitol P. O. Box 7882 Madison, WI 53707-7882 Dear Mr. Schultz, My name is Juan Jimenez, I have been a citizen and active voter of Wisconsin for over 8 years now, and while I may not agree with some of the states past decisions, I do commend the job you and your colleagues have done. That being said, I am writing in regards to the public smoking ban that the state legislation committee is currently considering. I, and many others like me, do not support this proposed bill and I will tell you why. I do agree that a smoking ban is reasonable in some places. Between the age of most students and the declined health of hospital patients, it makes sense to ban smoking in the areas of schools and hospitals. I will also agree that smoking in a restaurant is something most everyone looks ill upon. Now bars, on the other hand, are a different story. According to taxpolicycenter. org, Wisconsin collects over 50 million dollars annually in alcohol tax revenues. Many of the bars that those taxes come from have a majority of patrons who enjoy smoking while they relax and have a drink. If they are no longer allowed to smoke in their local bar, they may just stay home, which results in lost income for local businesses, as well as, lost tax revenue for the state. As far as banning smoking in front of public building entrances, I agree due to the fact that people have to enter and exit through there. However, parking lots and parking garages offer a wide area of outdoor air and space. It’s not inconceivable that one who doesn’t want to smell smoke would quite easily be able to avoid such encounters. Having a mandatory smoking area a set distance from entrances makes sense. 1000 feet away, however, is an xtremely ridiculous proposal. Ultimately, this is about the freedom of choice and ones right to exercise that freedom. If smoking in public can be reasonably regulated, then non-smokers and smokers would be able to enjoy the same rights of choice. You, Mr. Schultz, as an elected official, must look out for all of your constituent’s freedoms. This c urrent government has far more important matters to focus time and energy toward, like our economy and the massive overspending that has become commonplace. I would like to see you take action against such frivolous rule making and vote no. Thank you for your support. Sincerely,
Monday, July 29, 2019
International Job Search Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
International Job Search - Essay Example It is crucial to note that the firm provides feedback and responses to online applications. Coca-Cola embraces creative recruitment strategy that focuses on talent management. These methods have interactive sessions during interviews. Most importantly, the firm has recruiters that traverse the globe, in search of management and production experts. These recruiters are involved in processes that require self-selection (Griffin, 2007). This means that the recruiter carryout the selection and separation processes or stages of the recruitment exercise. Additionally, the firm has arranged group interactions that allow potential candidates to interact and express their feelings. These sessions focus on the evaluation of character, working knowledge and levels of interest. Job Classifications at Coca-Cola The job classifications at Coca-Cola are based on academic and professional qualifications and requirements for the job. These classifications include administrative assistant to the offic er, international customer relations, international company representatives and officer coordinators. The classifications are grouped into productions and human resources. These job classifications are spread out for the regional and international markets (Griffin, 2007, p. 145). The assumptions that can arise from these classifications include academic requirements, social requirements such as age, language and personal background such as place of origin, educational background, family status and criminal records. For instance, an individual may assume that the firm does not consider the criminal records of the job applicants. International Assignment The international assignment is crucial when determining optimal mix of home and host country employees. For instance, the job opening may be present in a distant location such as Malaysia, which leads to the requirement for a person with knowledge concerning this region. The firm will look for a host country employee because the pers on understands the culture and economics of the host country (Griffin, 2007). The Culture and Language Preparedness of the Employee These are also crucial because in case the employee is not prepared in terms of culture and language, then he is not fit for the job. It is crucial to acknowledge that language is a crucial factor because it determines communication. Culture is crucial because it influences communication and interactions (Ireland, Hoskisson & Hitt, 2007, p. 416). The employee should be, culturally, and linguistically prepared for the job. This influences the mix because the firm must seek for an individual with the background of the host nation. The Length of the Assignment In this case, the firm can give the job to a home employee because this does not depend on cultural or linguistic aspects. Additionally, the firm can give this position to a host country employee, which will be logical in terms of stability, settlement and travel expenses. For instance, in case the j ob is located, in South America, it is logical to give the job to a South American (Ireland, Hoskisson & Hitt, 2007, p. 437). However, the firm can also give the job to an American. Giving the job to a South American facilitates operational stability because issues such as the discontinuation of work because of travel will not affect the operations. The Host and Home Country Recruitment and Selection Practices These are crucial for consideration because
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Marketing channels Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Marketing channels - Assignment Example This will help in increasing the sale of the company. The result will be an increase in the number of customers for the organization. (c) When a consumer receives a defective product then he or she can return the products back to the independent beauty consultant and get it exchanged. When a consumer buys cosmetics from a drug store or department store then he might not get a chance to exchange the products in case of a defect. The independent beauty consultants stress on building a good relationship with the customer so they exchange the product in case of a defect. They absorb the loss that arises from exchanging the product. The department store or drug store might not exchange the products because building consumer loyalty is not their motive. Answer 2 Advertising agencies can be considered as a part of the channel as they will effectively market the product in the market. This will help in building a brand image of the company. Including financial institutions in the channel wil l not be fruitful for the organization as effective marketing and selling the product will not be possible. Financial institution will not contribute in building a brand image so including a financial institution is not worth. ... Example- Consumers can be appointed as an independent beauty consultant by the organization. Answer 3 Using various media for advertisement will reduce the distance. Advertisement is done to reach to attract a large number of customers. Advertising through web and cyberspace will reduce the distance as been discussed by Alderson. Answer 4 Product segmentation can be done between customers like "small, medium and large" but in case of service, segmentation cannot be done into small, medium and large. Example steel can be sold in small medium or huge lot but computer services cannot be segmented. Answer 5 In case of consumer goods like bread and breakfast cereal the channel of distribution used is grocery store. Answer 6 (A) When selling and servicing ultrasound machine in a hospital emergency room highly effective channel flow is needed. b) In case of an academic medical researcher a less effective channel of flow will do because he does not have any emergency requirement. Answer 7 A channel manager must seek to target maximum number of segments in order to increase the volume of sales but he has to keep in mind that the more segments he targets, the larger variety of products must be produced by the organization. Answer 8 A demand side gap in the service channel can arise when the services provided are not of high quality as demanded by the customers. Answer 9 A supply side gap can arise if quality products are not produced in time to carter to the requirements of the customers. When the supply is low and the demand is high then a supply side gap is created. Bringing in advanced technology to produce can reduce this gap. Answer 10 It is important to know the channel conflict sources and channel power sources so that proper channel can be set avoiding these conflict
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Evaluating Fronties North Adventures Corporate Social Responsibility Research Paper
Evaluating Fronties North Adventures Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that Frontiers North Adventures is one of Canada’s most successful tourist's company. The company started in 1986 in northern Canada to provide Authentic Arctic Experiences. The company is a family owned, and it has over 30 years experience in Eco-tourism. The business’s clients have always felt satisfied with the arctic experience after using Frontier’s North Adventures. The company has collaborated with several international and national organizations to ensure that its commitment to sustainability and conservation policies adheres. In addition to this, a company has collaborated with Polar bear international to provide some of the best and breathtaking polar bear sightings while ensuring that the ecosystems in which this polar bear live in are not endangered. Frontiers North Adventures most famous adventurous tourist attractions include Northern Lights Viewing, Beluga Whale Watching, and Polar bear Experiences. The c ompany has successfully managed to operate in this tricky field for more than 30 years. The company has been named as one of the top three sustainable tourist operators in Canada because of its Corporate Social Responsibility. The company has been lauded nationally for its programs involving Sustainability. The company has also been recognized for its work and has won a number of awards including, SKAL International’s 2009 Ecotourism Award, Travel Manitoba’s Sustainable Tourism Award, and several other Ecotourism Awards both Nationally and Internationally. Frontiers North Adventures provides exciting wildlife packages in Northern Canada. The goal of Frontiers North is to deliver to their guests a value worth wildlife familiarity in a responsible and an ecologically friendly manner. The company not only inspires visitors to view and learn about local wildlife but to also learn about the antiquity and culture of the North Canadian society. Frontiers North Adventure is de voted to social, environmental, and ethical accountability in order to uphold the well-being of visitors, the local public, and the ecosystem in which they run.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Strategic Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Strategic Management - Assignment Example The company has strategic options like developing strategic alliances with local retailers, offering cost leadership and competitive pricing. Table of Contents Strategic management of TESCO supermarket 14 1 Strategic management of TESCO supermarket 1 Executive summary 2 Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 Business environment 5 PEST framework 5 Political factors 5 Economical factors 6 Social factors 6 Technological factors 7 Porter’s five forces 7 Threat of new entrant 7 Bargaining power of suppliers 8 Bargaining power of consumers 8 Threat of substitutes 9 Bargaining power of competitors 9 Internal analysis 9 Swot analysis 11 Challenges facing the organization 12 Strategic options 12 References 14 Introduction Food retail sector in the United Kingdom employs over 3 million people. This makes it the largest industry in the economy. However, a growing number of supermarkets are coming under intense pressure because of unprofessional treatment meted on stakeholders in the supply chain. Tesco and other supermarkets are committed to strategic development networks that lead to increased productivity. This report gives a strategic management analysis of Tesco supermarket. ... United Kingdom is Tesco’s largest market. In this market Tesco operates under Metro, Express, Extra and Superstore banners. The retailer has diversified to non-food lines e.g. clothing. Tesco delivers close to 40,000 food products. The companies label products operate at three levels. Most of the stores contain gas stations. Therefore, it has grown to become of the leading petrol retailers in Britain. Tesco personal finance is a retailing service offered by the supermarket is a bid to expand its market share. Business environment The business environment on a retailer plays a central role in its profitability. Companies are under intense pressure to acknowledge their responsibility to the society. The introduction of taxes that target the increased advertising of fatty food is bound to affect the performance of the supermarket (Stone 2009). The relationship between consumers and supplies has also been affected because of the ‘fat tax’. The presence of powerful com petitors has led to intense price wars. In some instances, the foreign market environment is hostile and governments try to protect the local industries from foreign competition. Government policies that promote monopoly controls have been blamed for limited access to some markets and segments. Such policies have the capacity to reduce the buying power of consumers. Differentiation is increasingly becoming difficult because of unhealthy competition and government interference. Tesco has developed a policy in which it reduces the prices for fuel based on the amount of sales at its groceries. The retailer compensates by raising prices in other stores. PEST framework Political factors Besides the United Kingdom, Tesco operates in six countries in Europe. The legislative and
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Entrepreneurship - Essay Example Individuals who qualify to be entrepreneurs must be creative with abilities to come up with solutions to curb the emerging challenges in the business atmosphere. As a result of their efforts to utilize the resources available and exploit the opportunities available, entrepreneurs enjoy rewards in the form of increased profits and strong customer loyalty. Leadership and creative characteristics of an entrepreneur One of the major leadership characteristics of an entrepreneur is the ability to form strong teams that are vital in the achievement of their own goals as well as those of the entire business. Additionally, management skills are essential for the success of any entrepreneur. For example, since most of the entrepreneurs are manage and control their employees without being accountable to the directors or other senior people, they should have excellent management skills. In this way, they are able to formulate effective policies that guide other employees in their responsibiliti es. In the same way, entrepreneur must have adequate marketing skills. In this way, they will be able to come up with innovative products that will effectively face off their competitors in the market. Skills in customer care and environment analysis are additional characteristics that assist an entrepreneur in maintaining high level of customer loyalty. Skills in environment analysis are fundamental in the sense that they helps an entrepreneur when undertaking a SWOT analysis especially when expanding his or her venture, while contemplating on going global or when forming merger with related firms. How to become a successful entrepreneur One of the major ways to become a successful entrepreneur is by doing what you enjoy most. By undertaking a business venture in the field that one enjoys, an individual will gain from personal satisfaction and financial gain. To ensure a successful business, an entrepreneur should adopt the culture of planning all his or her undertakings. Business planning is vital on the bases that it helps business owners in analyzing business situation thus making a viable conclusion. Additionally, business planning assists entrepreneurs in developing individual and corporate goals. Being used as a yardstick of raising the business to the next level, business plan is used by successful entrepreneurs, as an avenue of raising extra capital from the investors and financial institutions. Successful companies manage money wisely. In order to ensure that businesses meet the short-term and long-term liabilities it is fundamental to ensure that cash outflow is maintained at the minimum level while the inflows are maximized. A successful entrepreneur must be able to pay for the inventory and services as well as replace tools and equipments that are used in the production facility. One of the major ways of effective money management is to ensure that income generated from the exchange of goods and services is appropriately utilized. In this way, a b usiness is able to meet its goals. Secondly, an entrepreneur must ensure that adequate money is kept to cater for wages, supplies and inventory that are vital for the daily
Luxembourg Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Luxembourg - Personal Statement Example As such they rely on international trade for their agricultural produce. One effect of globalization is that it pushes countries to concentrate on the good or service that they excel in and just import everything else. Through globalization, all the goods of all the countries become open and available for everyone in what is called a global market. As such, if a country finds it hard and expensive to produce a certain good, it would buy it from another country instead. For example, a country with a cold climate like Alaska cannot produce mangoes as such only grows in tropical countries. If it would still insist on producing mangoes, it would have to build a facility with artificial sunlight and heat. This would be extremely expensive. However with globalization, it would be cheaper for Alaska to import mangoes from Mexico or from Asian countries. Alaska can now concentrate on its petroleum extraction, a thing they do best. In our first example, Arab countries produce petroleum products but cannot produce adequate agricultural products for their citizens. Since they need to import agriculture products, they need money. As such, instead of producing just an adequate amount of petrol for their domestic consumption, they need to produce more so they can sell it and earn the money they need for the importation. Therefore it
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Research paper on mapreduce Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
On mapreduce - Research Paper Example Reduce collects relevant parts from the locations where the map function occurred and return the result to HDFS. IBM defines MapReduce based on its association with Hadoop (IBM 1). The company affirms that MapReduce denotes two distinct roles performed by Hadoop programs. The initial role pertains to map job. It engages data and changes it into another set by breaking down individual aspects into value pairs (IBM 1). Reduce job engages the output generated by a map and engages it to produces smaller value pairs. Based on IBM definition, it is clear that MapReduce is a popular programming technology that allows the use of many computers in order to process huge amount of data. It helps in coordinating tasks in order to avoid issues such as input problems and harmonization delays. One can perform various tasks such as data mining and graph processing using this concept. The concept is popular in industries and conducting complex researches. An example of commonly use MapReduce implementations is Hadoop. Vianna, Almeida & Kuno (1) further define Map Reduce based on its sorting process. The authors indicate that when one has many sets of records and he needs to sort or process them in a specific order, he may use MapReduce. MapReduce is an invention that allows an individual to use Mappers that have sorting keys that dive the data set based on the values associated with them. Vianna, Almeida & Kuno (1) further define MapReduce as a process involving the combination all the sorted data. This concept is usually applied in data analysis. The authors provide an example of MapReduce as used in data filtering. They indicate that when one has sets of records that require arrangements to ensure they meet a certain condition, he can filter them using MapReduce. For instance, one can filter the records using Mappers which produce transformed versions of the
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The Food and Farming Transition Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Food and Farming Transition - Research Paper Example This makes it possible to do away with hunger problems resulting from scarcity of food. The only reason why a people from an area can die of hunger may be economic ability to purchase the products not the scarcity. The inability to purchase means the prices are high which could only means the products are not locally produced (Richard Heinberg, 2009). Products produced from far have more value fuel costs attached to it making less affordable to people. While, it may be true that there is more economic gains than losses, it is important to note that this can only be true in some areas and remains to be oppositely true in the area of general gains in all aspects. However, globalization contributes to contamination of the food on transit while also raising a major concern that motivates a rethinking of globalization. This is the high consumption of fuel in the form of fertilizer production process, large-scale farming and other fuel consumption processes that is the case with large-scale agricultural production. Agricultural production in America is done by few people due to large-scale production that employs the use of machineries that consumes fuels. This is a major concern given the diminishing fuel production. To help save the problem that may be caused by uncertainty in oil prices, the governments should reconsider their fuel use policies and compare it against the benefits of transitioning to the policy of using less fuels and local production of agricultural products thereby less relying on imports (Heinberg, 2003). This can be done by reducing the dependence on products that heavily rely on fuel use by acknowledging the demerits posed by the same. Few people practice agriculture because land is less and most services are mechanized. Fertilizers that are used are produced through a process that in itself can produce so much crops than fertilizers and use so much fuel thereby contributing to diminishing of the same. Machineries
Monday, July 22, 2019
Youth Feedback for Youth Problems Essay Example for Free
Youth Feedback for Youth Problems Essay Despite regulation, underage students in colleges around the nation find it easy to consume alcohol and are very likely to binge drink. What are the implications? What is the role of formal control? Perhaps the best way to answer these questions is to pose them to the young community builders who may be aware of the best ways to help their friends that are engaging in destructive behaviors (Finn Checkoway, 1998). Binge drinking and drug use are very common among young adults, including college students. As a matter of fact, young people are also facing dire consequences of substance abuse with falling grades, drunken driving accidents, sexual harassment, and violence. Unsurprisingly, society views this as a serious problem, and psychologists are trying to understand substance abuse among young adults before they can hope to provide help to the individuals concerned. This effort on the part of researchers is based on the premise that we cannot solve a problem before we understand the nature of the problem. Here enters the importance of the young community builders: they are able to easily explain to social workers the nature of the problems faced by their young friends. By understanding the problems in depth, social welfare workers may very well find themselves in the position to root them out. Young community builders must, therefore, be considered a community resource that social welfare workers should make excellent use of. Young people are not only able to better understand the problems of the youth, but they are also able to suggest solutions. Furthermore, these young guides can help social welfare organizations target the real needs of the youth by providing necessary information that would eventually benefit all people. References Finn, J. L. , Checkoway, B. (1998). Young People as Competent Community Builders: A Challenge to Social Work. National Association of Social Workers, Inc.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
International Business In Saudi Arabia Business Essay
International Business In Saudi Arabia Business Essay This research paper attempts to find article in newspapers that pertain to Saudi Arabia and the relationships it has in international business. The newspaper articles are selected in accordance with the topic under research and the summary is provided. Saudi Arabia being a strategic partner in international business has been in the forefront to promote it by having in place political, legal, economic and social-cultural environment where such can thrive. In this respect, the paper analyses cases that have been reported in the media and which relate directly to the scope of international business. 1. What Is International Business Cover page: May 18th 2011 Global economic climate brightens again, ICC/Ifo survey reveals Paris, 18 May 2011 Article Summary: The article states that the global economic climate indicator stands at 107.7 points in April, 2011 which is far much higher in the last few years. The figure is derived from a survey of 1000 economists in over 120 countries in which they responded to positive global economic growth. There are however factors that could affect this optimism such as budget deficits, high inflation and unemployment. The ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) secretary attributed this as a sign of economic recovery. He urged governments to work together to encourage a multilateral trading system that facilitates global economic growth. Although interest rates are expected to rise, emerging economies are worried but this will not affect the consumer prices much. The only risks that are expected include excessive movements in international capital and potential oil price shocks due to tensions in supply. (Note: Saudi Arabia is an oil producing country). The overall economic growth in the world is expected to reach 3.2% in 2011. Among the countries to benefit from this are the US in terms of employment and increased productivity. The Asian countries may fail to realize benefits in the short term since they expect growth in private consumption, capital expenditure and exports to weaken. In Europe, benefits will materialize especially after the Euro stabilizes. Perhaps the most interesting part is the observed improvements in Saudi Arabia amongst other neighboring nations. Relevance: International business involves all commercial transactions that occur between two or more countries or regions in a way that the political boundary is crossed. The business may be incorporated in areas such as private and government sectors, investments, logistics and transportation, and sales in various products. The reason for doing international business differs in regard to who is participating for instance private corporations do it for profit while governments seek profits and political gains. In general, economic resources get transacted across borders in form of skills, capital and people so that they enable production in banking, insurance, construction and finance sectors among others. This article is relevant to international business because it recognizes the role individual countries play as well as the factors of economic growth. It is evident that as long as individual countries economies are doing well, such countries are bound to trade with each other. Saudi Arabia being an oil producing country has over the recent past been affected by the declining economic growths in many countries all over the world. But considering that international business involves trans-border transaction such as exporting oil, (a resource), Saudi Arabia will in the long run engage and derive profits at a higher scale. Critique and Insight: Despite the implication that world economies are in the verge of growth, Saudi Arabia may still have to wait a bit longer before it can fully enjoy the benefits. In this same article, the issue of currency values is mentioned albeit shallowly. Oil as it may originate from Saudi Arabia may meet a market in crisis in regard to disagreements over currency undervaluation. This in effect means that a country like Saudi Arabia in its search for international market must be aware of such issues as well as high interest rates and inflation. Attached Article: 2. Globalization of Markets and the Internationalization of the Firm Cover page: Bottom of Form MENASART FAIR By ARAB NEWS: Published: Apr 27, 2011 18:22 Article Summary: The boutique style exclusive exhibition is very famous amongst artists, collectors and art professionals from all parts of the world. The Middle East region is attracting these from as far as North Africa and South Asia. The interest people are showing towards long neglected art and contemporary art in this region has become a success story in the international arena. Art fair manager dHauteville in Beirut noted that there is need for an international event which recognizes the growing demand for art whose sales value is estimated as more than $200 million for the last three years. This is why MENASART aims to provide a base in the region for art enthusiasts and collectors so that it can be done in a professional and cultural environment. Artists from Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are being encouraged to seek newer media which will drive the regional governments. In addition it will provide a repository for global art and culture enabling them to become a world class destination. Cities in Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia are investing a lot in building museums with the most notable being Nabatt â€Å"A Sense of Being†which is contemporary art from Saudi Arabia. This exhibition will enable Saudi contemporary art to experience international visibility. There also international auction houses in the region in the making and which are forecast to include all countries in the region. The Video Box has also been incorporated in which films and children arts are considered for display. But it is not art only that is being considered but also conferences for dealers, curators and collectors with an aim to address recent trends in South Asia. They will discuss challenges that can oversee merging of all artists in these regions in the light of globalization. MENASART past fair attracted a number of visitors and they expect it to rise in later events. Relevance: Globalization of market s and internationalization of the firm both imply a situation where a business is opened up so that it can operate on an international arena. It means moving away from just considering local demand and supply but focusing on a wider area. International business as already discussed operates across borders. This article is relevant in the issue of market globalization and internationalization of the firm since it states that contemporary had been long neglected. Prior to embracing boutique style exclusive exhibition it seem that MENASART was confined to local markets; it at all it even took place. But with the opening of such exhibitions, there is a greater chance that more collectors, dealers and curators are likely to take part in the process. Considering too the interest people around the world have shown interest, it is clear that the market is opening up towards becoming global. In line with creating and building museums and trade fair the contemporary industry in fact moving from local settings to being run on an international scale. True to the article, Saudi Arabia especially will experience international visibility where their long forgotten and less traded art work will be done on an international arena. Critique and Insight: This article would have been more resourceful had they indicated some examples of art work that is associated with MENA regions. Attached Article: 3. Organizational Participants that Make International Business Happen Cover page: Foreign Policy The Middle East Channel: Need for a new social contract: Posted By Dag Detter, Steffen Hertog: Wednesday, May 4, 2011 11:00 AM Article Summary: There are reports that vast state assets have been misappropriated in the wake of recent uprising in the Middle East. The Arabic sector is fermented and numerous strikes are taking place for example in Misr Spinning and Weaving textile plant. The crony capitalists who have enriched themselves through skewed privatizations deals have also been loosing support. The article points out that mismanaged public sectors have been a pivotal in the uneven growth and corruption. The State Owned Enterprises (SOEs), in some MENA countries manufacturing sector have undermined competition thus reducing growth. Many companies are unable to be productive enough to allow reasonable wages and dignified work conditions. The state appointed management has been a crucial cause by allowing cannibalizing of state assets as well as denying workers their bonuses. One Ahmed Ezz has already acquired strategic bits of steel sector by manipulating political connections in Egypt. In all other MENA countries corruption has contributed to companies ending up in looses. In Saudi Arabia, the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation is usually run secretively though efficiently. The MENA authoritarian systems have employed political conditions such that monopolies seem to work but more institutionalized recipes by the government are required. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has reached a consensus that centralized ownership function is the best way to manage SOEs while at the same time protecting them from political machinations. Centralization allows conflicts between political and industrial imperatives to be dealt with and at the same time enable introduction of professional corporate governance skills to be utilized. The Board of Directors is strengthened in its endeavors such that the whole system runs accountably either in cases of success or failure. In order to utilize commercial funds effectively, the incorporated commercial borrowing tool comes in handy. It must however be set in under professional management that can be subjected to checks and balances for example in accounting and auditing. Instead of back financing, credit rating and use of bond market will instill more discipline. The National Wealth Funds have been observed to produce value internationally if they are well managed and accept transparency as a core principle. Reforms as studies have shown are expected to take place especially in the public sector and the management of SOEs. They must also be accompanied by labor market policy that allows migration from public to private sectors and at the same time allowing social security. Relevance: This article is relevant to the topic at hand since it addresses the organizational participants that make international business happen. In the article introduction, it is shown how different companies in MENA region including Saudi Arabia are being run corruptly leading to their collapse. Since the topic is dealing with organizational participants the State Owned Enterprises are in this case appropriate examples as they too engage in international business. The public sector is composed of so many organizations that make it possible for international business to take place and if it fails, so does the whole system. As noted in the article, SOEs including energy, telecoms, transport and real estates form an untapped resource fro driving economic growth and transforming the social contract. This in effect implies that it is organizations in these sectors that contribute to a country being able to engage in international business. Their management is essential if it is done in an organized and structured manner as the benefits filter down to the economies in the region. This is the reason such concepts as decentralization, competitive policy and deregulation are noted as ones that will lead to sustainable profit and competitive prices to citizens. The government on the other head is noted as the player and referee or in other terms as a market participant as well as the regulator. This is in line with the topic which discuses organizational participant who eventually allows international business to take place. In this case the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation has been successful due to being run efficiently but important to note is that the company itself serves the whole region; which is a case of international business. The OECD is another organization that set a platform for international business to take place and it has done so in the MENA region where Saudi Arabia is located. The article further proposes that if companies are run as incorporated commercial holding companies, they are more likely to perform in the international arena as Singapores Temasek which is a National Wealth Fund has done. Finally, both SOEs and the private sector are in real sense contributors to international business in a country. If both are managed well, they become profitable and in turn will expand beyond the countrys borders so as to indulge in international business. Critique and Insight: In as much as the article traces the causes of the current events in the MENA region, it fails to give adequate examples of how each country is fairing. It would have been more appropriate to specify the rate of interaction among the MENA member countries in regard to how they actually do business. It seems that the article is only relying on the call for political reform in the running of the public sectors and dealing with corruption. However I tend to agree with the author when he asserts that a regional reform program is necessary especially in the SOEs. Both the financial and social enterprises sectors need to be reformed so as to take a global relevance. It is only through globalization that organizations which play a vital role in international business will be able to accomplish their goals. Attached Article: 4. Theories of International Trade and Investment Cover page: Colombo Page: Sri Lanka Internet Newspaper Leading News from Sri Lanka Saudi delegation to visit Sri Lanka to explore new areas of business cooperation Fri, May 20, 2011, 10:07 am SL Time, Colombo Page News Desk, Sri Lanka. Article Summary: The Saudi Arabias Commerce and Industry Minister, a Mr. Abdulla Zainal Alizera noted that peace in Sri Lanka has made it possible for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to establish new trade relations. This was discussed during a visit by the Sri Lanka Minister of Industry and Commerce a Mr. Rishad Bathiudeen in Jeddah. The Saudi minister cited recent unrest in North and East Sri Lanka as having hindered trade but now is willing due to the peace that has been realized. The new chapter in trade will be initiated by a Saudi delegation to Sri Lanka with an aim of exploring new areas of cooperation between the two countries. On the other hand, the Sri Lankan minister has already identified sectors which trade can take place. These include; tourism, industry, garments, information technology, fruits and vegetable cultivation and gem and jewelry sectors. The Saudi government will too volunteer by sending a technical team to identify new areas in agriculture under the King Abdullah Initiative for Saudi Agricultural Investment Abroad. The two countries have eventually agreed to form a Business Council to promote bilateral trade which currently stands at $ 246 million. But both countries are hoping to improve on this figure and especially the $ 43.8 million Sri Lankas export to Saudi Arabia. In a bid to initiate this trade, the Sri Lankan minister has already allowed garments export to Saudi and they be made according to Saudi businessmen specifications. He further is optimistic in that he encouraged trade which would soon yield attractive gains. The Sri Lankan minister also ventured in to other ministries in Saudi Arabia such as the Electricity and Finance ministry in pursuit of international business. Relevance: Theories in international trade and investment can be explained in two distinct ways. One of them concerns the national level and deals with questions like why nations trade and how they can enhance their competitive edge. The other level is firm oriented and seeks to give insight in to why firms institutionalize and how it helps in giving sustainable and competitive edge. The various theories covered here include; mercantilism, factor proportions, absolute advantage, new trade index to name a few. This article fits well with theories of international trade and investment since the visits by the Sri Lankan minister seeks to initiate trade. The theory of mercantilism for instance is the basis for the visit because Sri Lanka realizes that their national prosperity is the result of a positive balance of trade. Both countries exercise mercantilism in regard to maximizing their exports and minimizing their imports. Under the theory of absolute advantage principle, it is evident that the proposal by the Sri Lankan minister that Saudis import garments if well founded. Sri Lanka must be aware of the few resources it utilizes in production of garments and why it seeks Saudi businessmen to buy them. In regard to the comparative advantage principle, even though Saudi Arabia has an upper hand in case it exports oil to Sri Lanka, which might be more expensive, the only cause for their wish to trade is in the cost of production of garments. This concept of specialization will eventually benefit both countries; Saudi Arabia in oil and Sri Lanka in garments and agricultural production. Both countries also Critique and Insight: This article provides an insight in to how international business is initiated. It provides a clear glimpse that goes with trade delegations for a certain country visiting another. For international business to take place, each participating county must be in a position to make deals that will last and be beneficial to both parties. Another notable fact is that peace is very important for trade to take place as is evidence by past failures between the two countries. In addition, countries must be guided by international trade and investment theories in order to make the most out of trade. Finally the article reveals the likelihood of business to occur if the initiating party has also something to offer in the course of bilateral trade. The importance of trader councils cannot also be underemphasized. Attached Article: 5. The Cultural Environment of International Business Cover page: Arab Saudi women gaining ground after long struggle By ABDULHAI YOUSEF | ARAB NEWS Published: May 12, 2011 01:03 Updated: May 12, 2011 01:03 RIYADH: The late introduction of womens education in Saudi Arabia has not limited their ability to make considerable gains and rights. Article Summary: Saudi women have now been able to reach official decision making positions in Saudi Arabian government. In international arena they have had chances as high executives in international organizations but not at home front. So many stories have been circulating pertaining to Saudi women strive for legitimate rights in education and work as well as ability to make personal decisions in their affairs. Historically, it was impossible for them to realize education dreams whereby their culture considered it as an act of sedition and a source of corruption. According to Islam, women were confined to their husbands will until their death. King Saud however contributed a great deal by allowing for girls to attend schooling and over the years many of them took up the challenge. Currently, many of them have joined all sectors of investment, government ministries, medicine, and engineering and in business as well. One Hallima Muzaffar is already an accomplished writer and literally critic but confesses the struggle is not over yet. She cites that she still cannot run her own business despite being knowledgeable. In addition, she laments that the society is ready to open up for everything but for women. Many other women in Saudi Arabia claim and endeavor to fight for their rights sometimes with little or no success. Finally the article notes that a number of Saudi women are well placed locally and internationally for example Thuraya Obaid who is in the UNPF and Lubna Olayan, a renowned investor in the international financial markets. Relevance: The culture environment of international business is a very important that should not be overlooked. It involves the understanding of various cultural elements in a country that one is willing to engage in business with. Such cultures may have diverse and unfamiliar languages, value systems, behavior and beliefs. In a cross border business, it is always necessary to have a clue of the lifestyles, consumption behavior and norms that are characteristic of the people a country intends to deal with. Culture comes about in the unique communication, symbols and ideas they express and if underestimated could pose certain risks. The risks in international business associated with culture include country risk, commercial risk, and currency risk and cross-cultural risk. Failure to consider carefully each of these risks might result in the trade ties deterioration and eventual death of any business however successful it was. In international business such processes as developing products and services, communication and interaction, screening for foreign distributors, negotiating, advertising and exhibition all must be accompanied by detailed analysis of the culture in question. This article is very relevant to the issue of cultural environment of international business considering Saudi Arabia has unique culture. It is evident that women in that country are treated differently when it comes to their involvement in business. The article points out the various struggles women undergo and their plight can be harmful to the international business in the long run. Considering for instance those women in other parts of the world can engage in business and run them profitably, it is ironical why such can not be practiced in Saudi Arabia. But in essence it is important to understand different cultures as already discussed prior to initiating business with them. In this case, an investor who prefers to engage in a business that involves women roles in America may be forced to change his mind while dealing with Saudi women. This is in line with understanding the cross cultural risk associated with international business and to counter it would entail leaving out any involvement with Saudi women. Critique and Insight: The article gives an insight in to how different cultures behave in regard to business. This is very helpful so that investors may seek information on cultural environment before engaging in business that may later pose risks once established. The article however fails to highlight what Saudi women are actually doing to promote international business in the light of globalization. Attached Article: 6. Political and Legal Systems in National Environments Cover page: Arab News .com By DR. KHALID ALNOWAISER | ARAB NEWS Human rights issues in Saudi Arabia Existing sponsorship system no longer conforms to the life in the 21st century Article Summary: The article discusses human rights in Saudi Arabia in respect to women, youth and foreigners. However it is the political and civil rights part that pertains to political and legal systems in national environments. The author notes the fundamental worth of everybody to be free and safe. The right not to be arbitrarily arrested and freedom of expression in any business they engage in is emphasized. Among all these rights, the writer notes that the Saudi citizens must be free to participate in management of public affairs either directly or through elected representatives. Individuals have a right to vote or run for office in fair elections as declared in the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights issued by the United Nations in 1966. The article concludes with a question of whether the Saudi government is ready and willing to make significant political decisions for its people so that they may participate in any business of their choice. Relevance: The political system involves institutions, political organizations and interest groups and their relationships and rules that govern them in a country. This may happen along individual or community settings where each has assigned rights and roles. It is very common for any country to operate along a certain political ideology such as democracy or a totalitarianism setting. Each of these systems is designed to improve standards of living, communication and economic progress. But on the other hand, failure of any particular system may lead to risks especially in regard to international business. The risks can however be reduced substantially by stimulating local economy, offering national employment, and encouraging shared business ownership and engaging in activities that show political neutrality and civility. The legal system too is composed of civil, customary, theocratic and common laws which are meant to govern how people interact and dissolve disputes. In international business, the intellectual property rights are very important to understand as they define the right of benefit of any tangible property an individual may have invented. This article is relevant in the way it emphasizes the need for political systems based on legal foundations that are recognized internationally. In such a system, international business thrives if conditions where human rights are upheld and this comes from the political and legal system that is in place. Critique and Insight: The article is well presented and has all the facts that are crucial for international business to take place. A country that denies its own citizens basic human rights cannot enjoy benefits in international business. Attached Article: 7. Government Intervention in International Business Cover page: PH rejects Saudi bid to cut Filipino maids pay By Philip C. Tubeza Philippine Daily Inquirer 6:18 am | Friday, May 20th, 2011 Article Summary: The Philippines has rejected the request by Saudi Arabia for a pay cut for Filipino maids working in the Kingdom. According to Labor Secretary, the $400 minimum salary for maids working abroad will remain despite the Saudi government wish to have it reduced to $200. Because of the salary dispute, the Saudi government has suspended the deployment of Filipino maids to the Kingdom. The matter has been referred to Geneva where bilateral trade is meant to be discussed and resolved. Relevance: The role of the government is very important in international business. Governments impose restriction in international business mainly due to political, cultural and economic reasons. In cases where the government wants its domestic business in exports to thrive, intervention is necessary. Another scenario is during difficult economic times so as to reduce imports and therefore shield its workforce from being laid off. Political motives are may be cited by a government in international business if it wants to protect jobs, preserve national security, gain influence and to respond to unfair practices. The economic motives involved may pertain to protecting incoming industries that are in the growth path or in order to pursue a strategic trade policy. Culturally, the government may intervene in order to preserve its national identity. All these measure have a basic motive which is to secure jobs for its citizenry. This article is relevant in that the Saudi government has intervened in the dispute so that its own maids may have better terms than those of foreigners. The economic motive is evident in the article because the Saudi government wants job security that could be threatened by the highly paid Filipino maids. Critique and Insight: The article is well presented and bears all facts that would call for a government to intervene in order to secure its citizens jobs.
45 47 Stella Street English Literature Essay
45 47 Stella Street English Literature Essay In Elizabeth Honeys childrens text 45 + 47 Stella Street and everything that happened (1995), 11 year old Henni shares her view of the events that take place in Stella Street. She is a reliable narrator as it is intended for her story to be trusted by the reader, evident with honest statements during her introduction of telling the implied reader that she may not be the cleverest or the prettiestà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ but is the tallest (Honey, 1995, p.5). The novel clearly shows a separation of classes within the neighbourhood, with Hennis family and friends being portrayed as the preferable middle-class, the Phonies evidently belonging to a higher class and characters such as the Brown boys being lower class. The implied reader of the book is middle-classed Australian children as they can relate to Henni, see themselves in her position and understand the common Australian terms such as milo and walk-a-thon. This implied reader experiences the events through Hennis point of view, feeling h er emotions and seeing things as they appear to her, positioning the implied reader to share Hennis emotions and therefore support her throughout the novel. The Phonies are seen as the high-class members of the neighbourhood, although later found to be criminals. The residents of Stella Street see their behaviour as being unusual as they renovate, travel regularly, constantly purchase new items and use expensive solicitors rather than confronting the issue themselves. The neighbours evidently believe the Phonies were made of money (p.23) and could not understand why they felt the need to replace belongings constantly and get rid of things much too good to throw out (p.87). The Phonies are mocked and criticised by the other members of Stella Street for their evidently excessive use of money with Danielle believing they must be throwing furniture out for rubbish collection as it was at least four months old so must be time for a complete change (p.86). They are also criticised for their formal letters of complaint from solicitors, with the other residents of Stella Street wondering why they could not simply talk about it rather than coming out guns blazing with all this solicitors letter nonsense (p.23). This makes the Phonies seem as cruel, unreasonable people. All of this along with the fact that they turn out to be criminals, imply a negative connotation on the upper class population as they are seen to be irrational, harsh beings who do not follow the law or make a reasonable attempt to be humane with the rest of society. In comparison to the superiority of the Phonies, were the Brown boys and Donnas rent-a-kid children who belonged to far more inferior class. The Brown boys were renowned for being trouble and are not trusted by the dominant class in the neighbourhood, promoting the idea that lower classes are not trustworthy or worth the respect of others. The fact that the Brown boys lie to the police in regards to their whereabouts on the night of the spotlight game, suggests that lower class people are liars, with Donna even implying this to the children by warning them not to bank on the Brown boys (p.73). Similarly to the misbehaving Brown boys, the dog catcher W.P Burgess is a cruel lower class member. Henni suggests that he was probably a garbo or the school bully (p.43) before he became a dog catcher and describes him as having a nasty temper (p.43). Burgesss poor temper and heartlessness suggest that the lower class are angry, miserable people. The troubled children Donna brings home from he r social work are seen to the Stella Street children in particular as inferior and off the planet'(p.24), Henni nicknaming these children as rent-a-kid'(p.25), suggesting that they are incapable of being in a stable, loving home. Although the implied reader may sympathise with the lower class families in the novel, many negative connotations are suggested in the text with the inferior families being promoted as unreliable, untrustworthy and cruel. The promoted preferable class in the novel is the dominant middle-class of Henni and her family and friends. Henni describes her family by saying were not rich but were not poor (p.135) suggesting that they have stable living conditions and although may not have an excessive amount of money, are able to provide and care for their family with a sustainable income. This middle class population is positioned to be seen as the desirable class to the implied reader, as they are pleased with their lives and have loving friends and family to support them. The majority of Stella Street agree on the fact that there is something peculiar about the Phonies and do not want the high class snobs living in their neighbourhood. The fact that the middle class characters in the childrens novel are all friendly and positive promotes the class. Mr Nic, for example, is described by Henni as a cheerful chap (p.7) and is loved by all the neighbours. Throughout the novel Mr Nic is always willing to help, wh ether it is babysitting Briquette or assisting the children in their mission of discovery more about the Phonies. Mr Nic is the perfect example of the ideal middle classed individual with in the text. The closure of the text plays a major part in suggesting the idealisation of the middle classed population. The happy ending presented in the text shows the high class Phonies being sent to jail and the lower class Brown boys and W.P Burgess disappearing, illustrating how the high and low class populations are far less successful and discontent. A new family moves in to Stella Street who can be interpreted as being a middle-class family by the implied reader as they seem to immediately fit in and are liked by the members of Stella Street. The fact that all of the middle classed characters in the novel achieve a joyful ending suggests that it is only the middle classed population who are truly successful and therefore promotes the desirability of this class. 45 +47 Stella Street and everything that happens strongly implies that the middle class population is the ideal class with characters such as Henni and her family and friends living a satisfying, successful life as pleasant, loving people. In contrast, the upper class Phonies and lower class characters such as the Brown boys, are shown negatively throughout the text with traits such as anger, dishonesty and cruelty being connected to them. The implied reader is positioned to believe that Henni and her family are the ideal characters and therefore the middle class is the desirable class.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Student Preparedness :: essays research papers
The article titled 'Teaching Responsibility'; deals with the issue of student preparedness after high school. The article brings up the recent case of Jonathan Govias who is suing his private high school stating that the school did not prepare him for university. The article goes on to give two examples, one in Virginia and one in Ontario of how these types of problems are being dealt with. The editor agrees s that the school system should be held more responsible for its graduates, but makes it clear that lawyers only complicate matters. I believe that Jonathan Govias' case should be heard in a court of law due to the fact that schools have a certain responsibility and if it is not met then something needs to be done about it. I am in total disagreement with the Ontario's school plan to get rid of this problem and am a total fan of the Virginia pilot project, because unlike the Ontario plan they are actually looking to help the students and not their own pockets. After dropping out of his first year engineering program at the university of Alberta, Jonathan Govias decided to sue his alma mater for a total of $140,000 claiming that the school failed to fully prepare him for what university had in store for him. Jonathan attended a private school, and as we all know private schools charge a large amount of money in order to provide a better education for its students. That is why parents enroll their children in private schools. Jonathan after graduating got accepted in the engineering program, which is a hard program to get into since a high average is necessary. Private education costs money, therefore making it a business that provides services and like any other business should be held responsible if their services fail, or does not meet the standard that the school promises to meet. I believe that the school is very much responsible for Jonathan's post secondary education. Private schools take pride in the fact that they can provide a bett er education than public schools and that they prepare their students with the tools they need to survive in the university world. It is also important to note that this case has not yet been decided in favor of Jonathan and that Jonathan should be given a chance to prove himself. The fact that this action against the private school is taking place shows that Jonathan has just cause for his decision to take his case before the judge.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Consequences of Ambition Exposed in Macbeth, The Maids Tragedy, and Th
Consequences of Ambition Exposed in Macbeth, The Maid's Tragedy, and The Duchess of Malfi     Twenty-first century America praises the ambitious. The American dream urges us to set lofty goals and then rely on the Protestant work ethic to achieve them-regardless of potential obstacles. Parents encourage their children to consider any and every career choice. Companies and schools stress goal-setting and celebrate productivity. Even a contemporary catchphrase like "The sky's the limit" or the Army slogan "Be all you can be"-the stuff of graduation cards and commencement addresses-promote ambition. Yet ambition has not always been valued. Seventeenth-century Jacobean drama often casts it in a negative light. Unbridled ambition yields deadly outcomes, the literature suggests. Macbeth, The Maid's Tragedy, and The Duchess of Malfi each illustrate the severe consequences of boundless ambition. John Milton takes the idea a step further in Paradise Lost, depicting the most ambitious of characters as well as the proper way to handle ambition, according to God 's will.       In Macbeth, ambition first arises in Lady Macbeth, distorting her values. Immediately, she recognizes her husband's chance to rise in power. She craves it so intensely that she willingly invites "spirits that tend on mortal thoughts" to fill her "from the crown to the toe top-full/ Of direst cruelty" (I.v.40-41)! Lady Macbeth instinctively associates ambition with cruelty. She considers cruelty necessary in her rise to power. She also fears that her husband is "too full o' the milk of human kindness" to execute her plan (I.v.17). Ambition and kindness are mutually exclusive, she insinuates. Therefore, she views the virtue as a wea... ...t, Francis and John Fletcher, The Maid's Tragedy, ed. T.W.Craik (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1988 Bowers, Fredson. Elizabethan Revenge Tragedies, 1587-1642. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1940. Hallett, Charles and Elaine. The Revenger's Madness: A Study of Revenge Tragedy Motifs. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1980. Keyishan, Harry. The Shapes of Revenge: Victimization, Vengeance, and Vindictiveness in Shakespeare. Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press, 1995. Middleton, Thomas, and William Rowley. Three Jacobean Tragedies. Ed. Gamini Salgado. Middlesex: Penguin Books Ltd., 1969. 255-344. Shakespeare, William. Tragedy of Macbeth . Ed. Barbara Mowat and Paul Warstine. New York: Washington Press, 1992.   Webster, John. The Duchess of Malfi. Ed. John Russel Brown. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1986. Consequences of Ambition Exposed in Macbeth, The Maid's Tragedy, and Th Consequences of Ambition Exposed in Macbeth, The Maid's Tragedy, and The Duchess of Malfi     Twenty-first century America praises the ambitious. The American dream urges us to set lofty goals and then rely on the Protestant work ethic to achieve them-regardless of potential obstacles. Parents encourage their children to consider any and every career choice. Companies and schools stress goal-setting and celebrate productivity. Even a contemporary catchphrase like "The sky's the limit" or the Army slogan "Be all you can be"-the stuff of graduation cards and commencement addresses-promote ambition. Yet ambition has not always been valued. Seventeenth-century Jacobean drama often casts it in a negative light. Unbridled ambition yields deadly outcomes, the literature suggests. Macbeth, The Maid's Tragedy, and The Duchess of Malfi each illustrate the severe consequences of boundless ambition. John Milton takes the idea a step further in Paradise Lost, depicting the most ambitious of characters as well as the proper way to handle ambition, according to God 's will.       In Macbeth, ambition first arises in Lady Macbeth, distorting her values. Immediately, she recognizes her husband's chance to rise in power. She craves it so intensely that she willingly invites "spirits that tend on mortal thoughts" to fill her "from the crown to the toe top-full/ Of direst cruelty" (I.v.40-41)! Lady Macbeth instinctively associates ambition with cruelty. She considers cruelty necessary in her rise to power. She also fears that her husband is "too full o' the milk of human kindness" to execute her plan (I.v.17). Ambition and kindness are mutually exclusive, she insinuates. Therefore, she views the virtue as a wea... ...t, Francis and John Fletcher, The Maid's Tragedy, ed. T.W.Craik (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1988 Bowers, Fredson. Elizabethan Revenge Tragedies, 1587-1642. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1940. Hallett, Charles and Elaine. The Revenger's Madness: A Study of Revenge Tragedy Motifs. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1980. Keyishan, Harry. The Shapes of Revenge: Victimization, Vengeance, and Vindictiveness in Shakespeare. Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press, 1995. Middleton, Thomas, and William Rowley. Three Jacobean Tragedies. Ed. Gamini Salgado. Middlesex: Penguin Books Ltd., 1969. 255-344. Shakespeare, William. Tragedy of Macbeth . Ed. Barbara Mowat and Paul Warstine. New York: Washington Press, 1992.   Webster, John. The Duchess of Malfi. Ed. John Russel Brown. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1986.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Heart of Dracula Essay -- Character Analysis, Dracula, Hearth of Darkn
Within Bram Stoker’s Dracula and Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, the reader is introduced to two â€Å"men†, a term that is applied loosely, whom come to represent the realization of the dying days of the Victorian Era. Heart of Darkness’ Kurtz comes to be the representation of the realization in that he sees what is required from him, as well as the rest of humanity, in order for them to survive. Dracula, in contrast, is the idealization of what has to be done in order to survive. Furthermore, Dracula comes to represent the next step, in almost evolutionary terms, in that he starts to attack England on its home soil, going to so far as to transplant his own soil onto England. This reverse colonization by Dracula is the resultant action he takes based on the fact that he was able to do that which Kurtz is seemingly unable to do, sacrifice the last of his humanity to become a monster. By examining the character of Kurtz, we see that he comes to represent the degenerating institution of colonialism. Jonathan Dollimore remarks that Kurtz â€Å"embodies the paradox which degeneration theory tries to explain but only exacerbates, namely that civilization and progress seem to engender their own regression and ruin†(45). We can see this through the fact that Kurtz goes into the Belgian Congo in order to strengthen the European world, yet is ultimately unable to do so as he comes face to face with the realization of what he must do in order to succeed and survive the degeneration of the world he has known. To do this, Kurtz’s monstrosity, or as close as he comes to monstrosity, stems from the fact that the society which he is a part of and represents is dying a slow death. Therefore, his final words of â€Å"The horror! The horror!†can be interpr... ...gue of Vampirism. Stoker plays upon the irony of England, at this time one of, if not the largest, colonizing countries, being colonized, not by another country but by an intangible immigrant. Dracula’s intent is not of material wealth or power, but of controlling the people and using them as livestock. We can see this when Dracula tells Jonathan Harker that he â€Å"[has] come to know your great England, and to know her is to love her. I long to go through the crowded streets of your mighty London, to be in the midst of the whirl and rush of humanity, to share its life, its change, its death, and all that makes it what it is†(Stoker 19). Kane reaffirms this by contending that Dracula is an example of â€Å"invasion literature†acting upon the readers on England by playing with â€Å"a considerable variety of fears regarding the state of England and the English themselves†(9).
Genre and artist case study
Most Post-Punk music tends to keep that British essence about it, bands use their accents to help shape their music, and this is very much the case with the Arctic Monkeys. Now a days Post-Punk incorporates electronic sounds or dance music instead of the dated ass's disco. The original Post-Punk movement was influenced by Crackpot, Dub and Disco Of the sass's. But now Post-Punk revivalists like Interpol, Editors, and White Lies tend to edge toward a more atmospheric Post-Punk sound optimized by Echo and the Funnymen and Joy Division. Issues which commonly affect this genre are typically mild.I don't think that Post-Punk Revival has a major problem, unlike Hip-Hop or Dance genres. Post-Punk Revival is more of an artistic genre, where artists are more unconcerned with re-creating music from the past and so forth. Although I think that the more recent bands Post-Punk Revival bands such as The Bravery, Arctic Monkeys and Franz Ferdinand tend to have more problems with attitude. This laid back uncaring attitude comes across and the dress styles they bring with them affects people in our everyday lives, fashion is based around these types of music, and at the moment in particular.Shops like River Island and Tops all portray the music sound. And with the style comes the attitude which I personally think a lot of people are adopting. It's ore of a culture thing, as with all types of music, Indies has become a lifestyle. ‘The Indies spirit has been commodities and re-envisioned as a marketable lifestyle just like punk, Alternative, and Grunge before it†¦ ‘ Sean McCabe www. Edition. CNN. Com Post-punk is appealing to people because of the straight forward lyrics and catchy melodies.The lyrics are often about everyday life, and is seen as something that a lot of people can link to, this is another reason that it is part of our lifestyle, it talks about our lifestyle. When is comes to working relationships in the genre the key issues are cackles and unprof essional artists. One great example of an artist like this is Pete Doherty, who at one point was arrested twice in a matter of days. His manager was involved in a hit and run incident where he was using Doherty car. The singer being charged with supplying illegal drugs and other events such as rehab. Drug problem like his can also mean gig's being cancelled or ruined.And these sort of people can be hard to work with in this industry. ‘The best relationships are nurtured over the years and have been built on mutual trust and respect for different gifts we have as musicians and music equines professionals. ‘ Christopher Knap. Independent Music Consultant. Agree with this and think that this IS a common mistake in this genre, artist's come to the music industry thinking that they are in once their name gets big, but really they need to build a working relationship with colleagues. And the working relationship means that, now that they are in the spotlight they can't just do whatever they like.A history about the Arctic Monkeys The band the Arctic Monkeys are a Post-Punk Revivalist band from Sheffield, England. The Band is made up of front man Alex Turner, fellow guitarist's Cook, Bassist Nick Anomaly and Drummer Matt Holders. Bassist Andy Nicholson was the bassist of the band when the band shot to fame in 2006. Incision's reason for leaving the band was that he was suffering from fatigue. But it is now known that Nicholson was paid off by the band after they had found themselves being more of a band with Nick Maloney.We sorts found ourselves in a situation where we wanted to move forward†Alex Turner – Arctic Monkeys on Split NAME Interview The Arctic Monkeys shoot to fame – The Arctic Monkeys where one of the Auk's biggest bands in the New Millennium. Their rise began in 2005, when hey started getting offers from major labels. However the band were sticking to the Post-Punk/linden attitude of a smaller independent music label, as they tended to give the artist creative freedom with their music. â€Å"l like you, but I'm not sure about this bit, and that song could do with this changing†¦ And we never listened†– Alex Turner Arctic Monkeys Biography 2006 Seam's Craig think that this was a housewives for the Arctic Monkeys, as if they has of been signed up by a major up fading out. Also their music wouldn't have been original. ‘The market tempts bands to follow the record industry money. Those that adopt the success formula may well make it but, whatever the returns, it will be in the knowledge that they sold out their talent Seam's Craig Arctic Monkeys Biography 2006 As the Arctic Monkeys had declined offers from major labels, you would think why didn't etc remain an underground band.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Damath Game Essay
enteringgenus Damath comes from the Pinoys jibe maturate halt c altogethered genus Dama and Mathematics. It blends local civilization. direction and digital engineering that aim to do math teaching and skill child-friendly. disputing and synergistic. DAMATH. a patent-pending numerical board- blue invented by five-time field awardees Jesus L. Huenda. is coined from the popular Filipino checker board racy of Dama. ( or noblewoman in Spanish ) and maths. It started in a Sorsogon National High School category in Sorsogon. Philippines and its popularity spread rapidly and resulted in the first national DAMATH competitions held at Legaspi urban center in 1980. He initiated this competition with the birth of the Science Foundation of the Philippines. He hopes to salute DAMATH to secondary math instructors as set apart of a demand of his puddle as PASMEP Fellow at Curtin University / WACAE. Western Australia. wherefore DAMATH?Because in its alone manner. Damath board gamy us hers the Filipino school childs into the new millenary by fiting them with competitory life-long acquisition for soul and ICT-fluency accomplishments. When school kids play Damath board high they besides learn to research. firm-up. intensify. and reassign to casual undertakings the constructs of existent Numberss and its belongingss and operations. Furthermore. it stimulates the childrens capableness to cerebrate deeper through originative math storytelling. lead chart. construct map. tree diagram. image conundrum. haiku. cryptograph. private codification decrypting. simulation. function playing. jangle or blame composition. contemplation diary authorship. and argument resolution. This bet on is gratifying and you can larn fast about calculating and employ the different operations in Mathematics.Aims of the play DAMATHI. To incorporate the Filipino checkerboard lame of Dama into the instruction of mathematical constructs and accomplishments. two. To produce the use of rec ycled stuffs in building Damath board set ( for schoolroom usage that ) . three. To analyse Damath as a attainable topic of mathematical probes. four. To heighten well interpersonal dealingss among scholars. v. To levy mathematical intellect among. household members in peculiar and the company in general through the mathematics clubs community outreach Damath competitions. six. To advance consciousness of misss in mathematics as male monarch is to the venture of cheat. so dama is to Damath .History of the postThe games name. Damath. comes from the popular board game dama and mathematics. It was invented by Jesus L. Huenda. a instructor in Sorsogon. who had encountered jobs in discipline math utilizing traditional instruction methods. enliven in portion by an investigative undertaking called Dama de Numero submitted by a pupil in 1975. Huenda overhauled the game and introduced it to his category. who enjoyed playing. Damath grew in popularity so that by 1980. the first Damath fight was held in Sorsogon. The following twelvemonth. Huenda received a gilded medallion from the late prexy Ferdinand Marcos for his parts in the field of learning mathematics. The game reached its peak popularity in the ninetiess. when it do the unit of ammunitions of several mathematics instruction conventions all over the universe such(prenominal) as the tenth Conference of the mathematical Association of Western Australia ( MAWA ) . the UNESCO-ICT4E conference in Thailand. the SEAMEO RECSAM/SEAMEC conference in Malaysia. and the APEC Learning association Builders ( ALCoB ) conference in Korea.The Basic game of the PlayAs the name implies. the game is basically the same as Dama but with an added math turn in order to win in Damath. a player moldiness hit the most points which are earned by get the opponents pieces. In Dama. the survive ends at that place in Damath. the participant must work out the mathematical operation on the square in which the opponents pie ce is forthwith standing. The reply to that mathematical operation is the center of points that the participant will have when s/he does eat the opponents piece. If the piece tag -1 chows the piece marked -3. with -3 standing on a multiplication square. the participant must foremost work out the operation ( -1 x -3 = 3 ) and will acquire three points. The game will travel on until all pieces belonging to a participant have been eaten and the tonss computed. Because of the demand to work out operations. participants must name down all moves during the game so the moves can be reviewed. particularly by the Judgess in a struggle scene.
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